About Me
- UK mum of 2 US kids
- Harrisburg, NC, United States
- UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Where in the world is JoJo?
Hi everyone... the last few weeks, especially days have been a whirlwind....The holidays are coming thick and fast and we have been busy trying to get ready for Christmas and wrap up last minute things at school.
In the midst of this craziness we have had a visitor in the house, JoJo. Our friendly Elf from Elf on the Shelf he came just after thanksgiving and has been delivering updates to Santa every night. Every morning the kids look for where he ends up after coming back form the North Pole and boy has he been found in some crazy places doing crazy things....
He has been planking, playing board games, hanging in lights, having a sleepover and playing cards...I'm amazed Marley has not barked with all the noise going on....it will be sad to see him go on Christmas Eve but until then JoJo we hope you continue to have fun....
So I know I stated in my last post that I would have a longer blog and I tried but recent event in Newtown leaves me sad and confused that something so awful could happen to those darling angels. May peace be with the families...my thoughts and prayers are with all the residents of Newtown
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wow....what a whirlwind, you blink and you have passed a soccer season and Halloween and already today is thanksgiving.....
I am thankful for my health and happiness, my family and friends. From the lack of posts since September you can tell it has been a busy time in the Bowden household.
A visit by some family from England, some GREAT soccer games, lots of saves (Boo Boo) and goals (Bambeano) and of course Halloween.
Bambeano started in a new league this season and boy did he shine. After 11 games and 19 goals he managed with his team to win 7 games and loss only 4. Pretty impressive considering most kids were older, faster, stronger and more skilled. Way to go Bambeano so proud of you....now for a winter league to tie us over till the Spring.
Boo Boo was back in her age bracket for this new season, and what a roller coaster season this one was, started champions of the CSA tournament, finishing with 8 wins, 6 losses, 3 draw and ends the season as finalists of the CESA tournament. Not forgetting the goalkeeper of the team got some field time and SCORED!!!!!!!!!
Not to be outdone academically both kiddos are doing FANTASTIC in school. Bambeano is above his grade level and Boo Boo got straight A's......Can my kids make me any prouder :)
Well as quick as time passes Bombshell and I did get to enjoy Halloween this year, I was a tad nervous on the costume but Bombshell convinced me I looked great, thanks Bombshell for the words of encouragement.....this is just one of the wonderful traits you have that make me love you more and more each day.....I am THANKFUL you chose me to be your wife :)
Well as Christmas gears up and my exciting surprise gets close I will promise that the next installment will not be short and will be more frequent that it has in the past........
I am thankful for my health and happiness, my family and friends. From the lack of posts since September you can tell it has been a busy time in the Bowden household.
A visit by some family from England, some GREAT soccer games, lots of saves (Boo Boo) and goals (Bambeano) and of course Halloween.
Bambeano started in a new league this season and boy did he shine. After 11 games and 19 goals he managed with his team to win 7 games and loss only 4. Pretty impressive considering most kids were older, faster, stronger and more skilled. Way to go Bambeano so proud of you....now for a winter league to tie us over till the Spring.
Boo Boo was back in her age bracket for this new season, and what a roller coaster season this one was, started champions of the CSA tournament, finishing with 8 wins, 6 losses, 3 draw and ends the season as finalists of the CESA tournament. Not forgetting the goalkeeper of the team got some field time and SCORED!!!!!!!!!
Not to be outdone academically both kiddos are doing FANTASTIC in school. Bambeano is above his grade level and Boo Boo got straight A's......Can my kids make me any prouder :)
Well as quick as time passes Bombshell and I did get to enjoy Halloween this year, I was a tad nervous on the costume but Bombshell convinced me I looked great, thanks Bombshell for the words of encouragement.....this is just one of the wonderful traits you have that make me love you more and more each day.....I am THANKFUL you chose me to be your wife :)
Well as Christmas gears up and my exciting surprise gets close I will promise that the next installment will not be short and will be more frequent that it has in the past........
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Fall already and soccer is in full swing....
Geez where does the time go....I feel like a zombie sometimes in full robotic mode, wake up, shower, dressed, go to work, homework, soccer practice, dinner, bed, REPEAT with the only change at the week end insert soccer instead of work and that is my life....EXCITING RIGHT.....
And then you wonder why I have no time to blog. I promised myself Sunday mornings will be my time to reflect the week and note the adventures of the Bowden clan but Sundays also seem to be my day to have a lie in so this is obviously not working for me so here I am trying to remember a month of activities but as I stated above my robotic life seems pretty easy to reflect.
Since Bambeano's birthday he has started soccer at his new club and I was quite apprehensive how this would all turn out but seeing how frustrated he was at his other club I knew we had to do something, yes I know he was a great goal scorer 29 in 13 games, but was he really learning the skill he displays on his DS and Wii when playing FIFA soccer I told myself NO.
So off we went to Boo Boo's club soccer complex for Bambeano's first game. Unfortunately Bombshell was on rotation at work this week end so it was up a great friend and past assistance coach of Bombshell to step in the shoes of head coach. I recognized the team from past Saturdays when Boo Boo had her games at Overcash Soccer Complex so it was apparent this team had been together some time. Here we were with 4 kids from Bambeano's old club and several new ones, including 2 that had played pre-challenge previously.
Well the game went so so. The other team scored quick on us but we held our own and the score ended 4-1. They kids played hard and Bambeano surprised me on how much he hustled and he hustled. I thought he might be disappointed he didn't score so I was eager to find out his feedback about his new club. The verdict HE LOVES IT!!!!!! Phew
Next week he was very excited and pumped for his game, it appeared all the kids were. On a cold morning with parents in the shade the cool weather certainly woke me up and the wet dew on the grass, FALL IS COMING....
Bombshell was back as head coach and the kids were off. One quick goal and we were up 1-0. Then the goals kept coming....Bambeano got on the score sheet with a goal in each half. With the score running high Bombshell told the kids to start passing no more goals.....the kids had other ideas...I'm guessing after the previous week's loss they just wanted a win. Many goals later the score was 16-1 with 7 or the 9 kids scoring. I felt so bad for the other team and I know Bombshell was mortified and felt just as bad for the other coaches. After apologizing to the other coaches they were understanding knowing kids at this age just want to score. How can 2 games against 2 teams be so different.
Onto yesterday and the team was a little group of South Americans. Y'know these kids will be good. Even one of kids comments was "we are going to get smoked" Coach reassured the kids that they would do good and they should go out play hard and have fun.
Bambeano had his best game ever, this kid amazes me with how much his skill has developed by just merely moving clubs. His determination in both defense and offense is unbelievable. Another two goals and his tally his up to 4 with another win 7-3.
Boo Boo has had equally improved with her games. Her extra practices for goalkeeping have definitely made an impression on her and her goal kicks are impeccable. While she may not have been happy staying in her age group and being a U11 again she has warmed to the idea and has some great team mates. She seems to be so much more confident and happier playing against girls her own age and less intimidated now there are no longer 6ft girls a year older.
Last week we had double duty of soccer, Bambeano Saturday and Boo Boo and Bombshell on Sunday, all 3 Bowdens came away with wins with the men scoring and Boo Boo having some great saves. Her last coach told Boo Boo that for ever goal she saves it is like scoring for her team. That comment resonates with Boo Boo every game and her gutsy attitude shows through.
More birthday celebrations this week with Bombshell's birthday, seemed to turn into a week long celebrations with his birthday last Sunday and then some celebrations Friday with some great friends. We love a our favorite family.
Boo Boo had a pass on soccer this week end but not by choice. Thunder and lightening were not our favorite friends yesterday after about 10 minutes of play the game was suspended for 30 minutes but while sitting in the car the rain came and game was canceled......now we had the rest of the evening to ourselves and did nothing but chill.
Fall is upon us now and the weather is changing life is about to get busy with some visitors, Grandma and Grandad, then Halloween before we know it Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here....
Here's to breathing and taking in all the excitement and adventures..........
And then you wonder why I have no time to blog. I promised myself Sunday mornings will be my time to reflect the week and note the adventures of the Bowden clan but Sundays also seem to be my day to have a lie in so this is obviously not working for me so here I am trying to remember a month of activities but as I stated above my robotic life seems pretty easy to reflect.
Since Bambeano's birthday he has started soccer at his new club and I was quite apprehensive how this would all turn out but seeing how frustrated he was at his other club I knew we had to do something, yes I know he was a great goal scorer 29 in 13 games, but was he really learning the skill he displays on his DS and Wii when playing FIFA soccer I told myself NO.
So off we went to Boo Boo's club soccer complex for Bambeano's first game. Unfortunately Bombshell was on rotation at work this week end so it was up a great friend and past assistance coach of Bombshell to step in the shoes of head coach. I recognized the team from past Saturdays when Boo Boo had her games at Overcash Soccer Complex so it was apparent this team had been together some time. Here we were with 4 kids from Bambeano's old club and several new ones, including 2 that had played pre-challenge previously.
Well the game went so so. The other team scored quick on us but we held our own and the score ended 4-1. They kids played hard and Bambeano surprised me on how much he hustled and he hustled. I thought he might be disappointed he didn't score so I was eager to find out his feedback about his new club. The verdict HE LOVES IT!!!!!! Phew
Next week he was very excited and pumped for his game, it appeared all the kids were. On a cold morning with parents in the shade the cool weather certainly woke me up and the wet dew on the grass, FALL IS COMING....
Bombshell was back as head coach and the kids were off. One quick goal and we were up 1-0. Then the goals kept coming....Bambeano got on the score sheet with a goal in each half. With the score running high Bombshell told the kids to start passing no more goals.....the kids had other ideas...I'm guessing after the previous week's loss they just wanted a win. Many goals later the score was 16-1 with 7 or the 9 kids scoring. I felt so bad for the other team and I know Bombshell was mortified and felt just as bad for the other coaches. After apologizing to the other coaches they were understanding knowing kids at this age just want to score. How can 2 games against 2 teams be so different.
Onto yesterday and the team was a little group of South Americans. Y'know these kids will be good. Even one of kids comments was "we are going to get smoked" Coach reassured the kids that they would do good and they should go out play hard and have fun.
Bambeano had his best game ever, this kid amazes me with how much his skill has developed by just merely moving clubs. His determination in both defense and offense is unbelievable. Another two goals and his tally his up to 4 with another win 7-3.
Boo Boo has had equally improved with her games. Her extra practices for goalkeeping have definitely made an impression on her and her goal kicks are impeccable. While she may not have been happy staying in her age group and being a U11 again she has warmed to the idea and has some great team mates. She seems to be so much more confident and happier playing against girls her own age and less intimidated now there are no longer 6ft girls a year older.
Last week we had double duty of soccer, Bambeano Saturday and Boo Boo and Bombshell on Sunday, all 3 Bowdens came away with wins with the men scoring and Boo Boo having some great saves. Her last coach told Boo Boo that for ever goal she saves it is like scoring for her team. That comment resonates with Boo Boo every game and her gutsy attitude shows through.
More birthday celebrations this week with Bombshell's birthday, seemed to turn into a week long celebrations with his birthday last Sunday and then some celebrations Friday with some great friends. We love a our favorite family.
Boo Boo had a pass on soccer this week end but not by choice. Thunder and lightening were not our favorite friends yesterday after about 10 minutes of play the game was suspended for 30 minutes but while sitting in the car the rain came and game was canceled......now we had the rest of the evening to ourselves and did nothing but chill.
Fall is upon us now and the weather is changing life is about to get busy with some visitors, Grandma and Grandad, then Halloween before we know it Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here....
Here's to breathing and taking in all the excitement and adventures..........
Sunday, September 2, 2012
A 7th year old birthday and 1st day of school.....Summer really over???
What a busy week we have had at the Bowden household. Bambeano turned 7 and the 1st day of the new school year..... We now have a 5th grader and 1st grader, How did this happen...time flies.
Bambeano's birthday was a busy day of activities... first up a trip to NASCAR Speedpark. Upon arriving we went to get our tickets only to be told the first 50 people were in free courtesy of 95.1 Kiss FM. The radio station was on hand giving out some free giveaways. What a result...... Bambeano was excited but I think Bombshell had his little kid come out in him as we had to go straight to the older race cars, poor Bambeano his birthday and he doesn't get to ride 1st.
Next up was a family race and Bambeano came up with the goods and came in 1st followed by the 2nd race in which Boo Boo came in 1st. I captured his race on my phone........Jack's win
After the heat we went in for some laser tag and Bombshell won then we finished off with some mini golf.....Mummy wins mini golf...
Bambeano's birthday was a busy day of activities... first up a trip to NASCAR Speedpark. Upon arriving we went to get our tickets only to be told the first 50 people were in free courtesy of 95.1 Kiss FM. The radio station was on hand giving out some free giveaways. What a result...... Bambeano was excited but I think Bombshell had his little kid come out in him as we had to go straight to the older race cars, poor Bambeano his birthday and he doesn't get to ride 1st.
Next up was a family race and Bambeano came up with the goods and came in 1st followed by the 2nd race in which Boo Boo came in 1st. I captured his race on my phone........Jack's win
After the heat we went in for some laser tag and Bombshell won then we finished off with some mini golf.....Mummy wins mini golf...
After golf we decided to take a trip to UNCC (University of North Carolina Charlotte for my British friends and family) to check out the Women's soccer game. When we arrived we sat with one of Lauren's soccer team mate. While I went to the concessions to get Bambeano something to eat I came back to hear that Boo Boo and her team mate were going to be the half time show, scoring on Norm, the UNCC mascot.
It was a hot, hot day and the UNCC 49ers lost but it was good to watch a high paced game and I think Boo Boo enjoyed getting on the field. Here is her video, I know a bit like ants on the field but I didn't have my camera only my phone, Lauren's Half time show.
After the game we went back to the Speedpark for more fun and finished the day of at Dave & Busters, I know a sucker, but Bombshell felt Bambeano's day should be special, and don't forget the Speedpark was courtesy of KISS FM. Off we went round to Dave & Busters and the tickets were flying from the games. Bambeano even got into a game of basketball with some teenagers. After raking in the tickets it was now time to cash them in for their gifts. Boo Boo decided to add her tickets to Bambeano so he could get an even better prize. A new back door basketball hoop for his bedroom was his choice and with many points still remaining the two of them worked together and came away with a cuddly monkey. Now for dinner....Bambeano's choice of course...Now we were at the mall with so many choices to choose from and he chooses Three Monkeys, a local pub near home, wondering what the attraction is, my bet is the golf game or Casey's goody candy jar for after dinner.
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CHEERS!!!! |
An early night was on the cards after a busy day for Bambeano's birthday and of course the first day of school on Monday....
Kids were up fairly easy but they have had something to do with the fact that I decided to go in a little later and see them off on the bus for their 1st day of school and of course the 1st day is not without pictures.....
have a great day at school Boo Boo and Bambeano look how you have grown in a year
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2011-2012 1st day of School |
2012-2013 1st day of school a year later..... |
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Soccer Saturday is back
With a blink of an eye we are in full mode of Soccer Saturdays......For now it is just Boo Boo and she starts off with a bang with a 3 game tournament hopefully progressing to the 4th game for the finals.
An early night Friday, Boo Boo's favorite NOT, for an early morning wake up call for our trip down to South Charlotte, about 40 minutes away or so. With bags packed the night before it seemed a stress free morning or so I thought.
Rousing Boo Boo was like trying to start an earthquake, this girl will not move for ANYTHING, finally got her moving and boy was she grumpy, I could see this would be an interesting 1st game. We get to the fields and had to park about a mile away (I know an exaggeration but it sure felt like it). So with bags, camera and seat we made our way to the field. Warm up was not impressive at all but y'know there has to be something said about Boo Boo and her warm ups. If she has a bad warm up she tends to have a good game so here's hoping.
So 1st game up was FCCA and Boo Boo seems to have this thing about FCCA, they really have a love/hate relationship, more hate than anything, you remember the suspected dislocated jaw from a year back, right and then the comeback kid towards the end of the Fall 2011 season, well ever since then she is determined FCCA will never get the better of her...
So game on.....both teams came out to battle and given this was Boo Boo's 1st year with this new team it would be interesting to see how the girls jelled, boy did they gel. Watching the play was great all the girls were passing the ball, Boo Boo was vocal as ever, this girl was on fire. I know I am a proud mummy when it comes to the kids but this girl ROCKED it. I have never seen her play as good as she did, complete SHUT OUT with some phenomenal saves we came away with a win 4-0 so I guess Boo Boo is keeping up with tradition in that bad warm ups = good games or in this instance GREAT GAMES!!!!!!
With a trip to subway for lunch it wasn't long before we were back at the fields for game #2. We had called Bombshell during the break as he wasn't going to make the games on Saturday as he had a lot to do with Bambeano but I think with the excitement I told him about her 1st game he made it down to her game and she was pleasantly surprised. I have this funny thing about Bombshell watching Boo Boo play, she has her best games when he is not there, funny that right.
So onto the 2nd game and this time it was Lake Norman, again another team Boo Boo has not had a favorable experience with them, in her words at the last game "mummy they even have boobies" so was there another opportunity for her to get her "pay back" as she likes to call it....well it didn't start off so good. The refs called the game early before our coach even had an opportunity to be there (he had other teams at the same tournament) so the girls seemed a little on edge but they had some good attacks but the ball just would not go in the net, then from a goal kick the other team scored, having Boo Boo off guard but that was all the push she needed, that and her team.
They fired up the anti and came roaring back for a 7-1 win, now onto Sunday, another FCCA team and hopefully another win....but god had other plans.....
After waking up Sunday ready to get Boo Boo up for yet another early morning the storms rolled in accompanied with thunder and lightening, so here we were with a 2 hr delay and an opportunity for Boo Boo to sleep in a little but no sooner than that all games called off....so now what....a day completely free and an unknown of who would win, I wasn't sure but I thought it was based on points, 3 pts for a win and then if there was a draw it would be based on goals against, so a quick look at the standings we had 6 pts and 1 goal against, our rivals, yep you've guessed it FCCA, they had 6 pts but 6 goals against...
WE WON....1st tournament with a fairly new team and the girls did us proud all did a phenomenal job, now onto the regular season 9/9/12 not before Bambeano's games on 9/8/12
An early night Friday, Boo Boo's favorite NOT, for an early morning wake up call for our trip down to South Charlotte, about 40 minutes away or so. With bags packed the night before it seemed a stress free morning or so I thought.
Rousing Boo Boo was like trying to start an earthquake, this girl will not move for ANYTHING, finally got her moving and boy was she grumpy, I could see this would be an interesting 1st game. We get to the fields and had to park about a mile away (I know an exaggeration but it sure felt like it). So with bags, camera and seat we made our way to the field. Warm up was not impressive at all but y'know there has to be something said about Boo Boo and her warm ups. If she has a bad warm up she tends to have a good game so here's hoping.
So 1st game up was FCCA and Boo Boo seems to have this thing about FCCA, they really have a love/hate relationship, more hate than anything, you remember the suspected dislocated jaw from a year back, right and then the comeback kid towards the end of the Fall 2011 season, well ever since then she is determined FCCA will never get the better of her...
So game on.....both teams came out to battle and given this was Boo Boo's 1st year with this new team it would be interesting to see how the girls jelled, boy did they gel. Watching the play was great all the girls were passing the ball, Boo Boo was vocal as ever, this girl was on fire. I know I am a proud mummy when it comes to the kids but this girl ROCKED it. I have never seen her play as good as she did, complete SHUT OUT with some phenomenal saves we came away with a win 4-0 so I guess Boo Boo is keeping up with tradition in that bad warm ups = good games or in this instance GREAT GAMES!!!!!!
With a trip to subway for lunch it wasn't long before we were back at the fields for game #2. We had called Bombshell during the break as he wasn't going to make the games on Saturday as he had a lot to do with Bambeano but I think with the excitement I told him about her 1st game he made it down to her game and she was pleasantly surprised. I have this funny thing about Bombshell watching Boo Boo play, she has her best games when he is not there, funny that right.
So onto the 2nd game and this time it was Lake Norman, again another team Boo Boo has not had a favorable experience with them, in her words at the last game "mummy they even have boobies" so was there another opportunity for her to get her "pay back" as she likes to call it....well it didn't start off so good. The refs called the game early before our coach even had an opportunity to be there (he had other teams at the same tournament) so the girls seemed a little on edge but they had some good attacks but the ball just would not go in the net, then from a goal kick the other team scored, having Boo Boo off guard but that was all the push she needed, that and her team.
They fired up the anti and came roaring back for a 7-1 win, now onto Sunday, another FCCA team and hopefully another win....but god had other plans.....
After waking up Sunday ready to get Boo Boo up for yet another early morning the storms rolled in accompanied with thunder and lightening, so here we were with a 2 hr delay and an opportunity for Boo Boo to sleep in a little but no sooner than that all games called off....so now what....a day completely free and an unknown of who would win, I wasn't sure but I thought it was based on points, 3 pts for a win and then if there was a draw it would be based on goals against, so a quick look at the standings we had 6 pts and 1 goal against, our rivals, yep you've guessed it FCCA, they had 6 pts but 6 goals against...
WE WON....1st tournament with a fairly new team and the girls did us proud all did a phenomenal job, now onto the regular season 9/9/12 not before Bambeano's games on 9/8/12
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hotlanta or bust.......
After a few weeks of catching our breath from our England trip it was time to enjoy a weekend with great friends and venture to Atlanta....after our successful Mountain Trip we couldn't wait to plan our next adventure and what an adventure it was.
Again we decided to not tell the kids where we were going or who we were going with....trust me 5 kiddos all bubbling with excitement before a road trip weeks before we leave was not something I think I wanted to handle. Friday came and our friends met us at our house, after a quick switcharoo of kids in cars (we have Boo Boo and her best friend, while our friends had Bambeano and their twins) and off we went.
We had a busy but fun week end planned, hotel and pool, Coca Cola factory, Braves game and Georgia Aquarium were all on the agenda. After a pit stop on the way for bathroom breaks and a stop at the mall for our Braves gear, we arrived at the hotel and checked in. It was way past my lunch and those who don't know me should know when I don't eat I get cranky as ever!!!!! I am not exaggerating just ask Bombshell and after this trip our friends can probably attest to this too. A quick drop off of bags we made our way for a late lunch at a local pub that Bombshell had spotted driving round to the hotel, ahhhhh the refreshing wine and food NOW I was a happy camper.
We walked a few blocks down to the World of Coke and made our way to the entrance. Damn this place was busy.... I am not sure how I felt about the place. On some aspects I felt like cattle being herded from one exhibit to another, they obviously have not got the Disney memo. The kids seemed to enjoy it so that was the main thing especially when it came to try the various drinks, the place was a mad house, it was a special treat for some of the kiddos who do not normally have the treat of soda.
After the hustle and bustle of the World of Coke we made our way back to the hotel to get ready for our next adventure a Major League Baseball game, Atlanta Braves vs, Philadelphia Phillies. So with the cars in valet a call was made to have the cars brought round while we started to get ready and then we would make our way to Turner Field, or so I thought............Bring on meltdown #2 for the girl who hasn't eaten.
Our friends car made it round and some of the kids were bundled in while we still waited for my car, 5 minutes nothing, 10 minutes nothing, 15 minutes nothing so I went to the desk to ask about my car and if it was coming anytime soon. Just when I thought I would not experience any more madhouses I was never more wrong. There was a family reunion trying to find out where their two rental vans were, one had "disappeared".....hmm not a good sign....finally I got the attention of an attendant and asked her for a status on my car, she asked my ticket number and disappeared, it looked like she went to the board of car keys but alas my car keys were not hanging there so without giving me any update she proceeded to the back of the office (where I could still see) and started to talk to the "runners" who collect the cars and the "runners" were glancing back at me....ARE YOU KIDDING ME not so much of an update!!!!!!!
Finally I collared another lady and told her that I was not being told of anything related to my car, she proceeded to call up to the main entrance and try and describe my car and keys. I was just about done with all the mayhem and heat (we were in the underground garage). Finally Bombshell had this "bright" idea that as there were 4 vehicles all the same model as mine we would go up as one was bound to mine.....Considering none on the key chains she described were mine I was not as hopeful. Sure enough after traipsing back upstairs round to the front not only were there no vehicles the same model as mine but mine was NOT there, how's that for a surprise, they lost my car!!!!!!
Back downstairs we went and en route I received a text from our friends confirming they could see my car, it was now miraculously found. I was so mad, hot and disgruntled I grabbed the keys from the attendant who had the gall to gleefully say "we found your car" and stormed off, and no I did not leave a tip, are you kidding me, this took about 30 minutes of my life away!!!!!
We made our way to Turner Field and parked, the place was bigger than I imagined and there were so many fans. The last MLB game I went to was NY Yankees in 1994 when Bombshell and I were living in White Plains, NY. Our seats were a far walk away but when we got seated they were great views. The kids were in front and the adults sat behind. Braves came away with the win and we stayed for fireworks. It was touch and go whether we were going to leave after the 6th inning and make our way back to the hotel. You see our hotel rooms both faced Turner Field, but as it turned out the kids wanted to stay. I am torn on whether this was a good idea or not, the fireworks and atmosphere of being there was phenomenal and the kids made the jumbo tron but the exit from the parking lot was not the best experience to say the least.
The next day we had to be up fairly early as we were meeting the manager at the Georgia Aquarium. The food service and catering is run by the company Bombshell and I work at. The place was huge and enjoyable from the start to finish. Lots of great educational pieces for the kids and the exhibits, especially the
Ocean Voyager with the underwater tunnel after taking in about half of the exhibits, grabbing some lunch and letting the kids run off some steam, we decided to make our way back to the hotel for some pool time and chill before returning back to the Aquarium for the Dolphin Tale Show.
While I chilled at the pool our ever so resourceful friends and cooked up an idea to consume the adult beverages we brought with us on the trip.......Welcome the new Deer Park "chardonnay" water only available on a Bowden/Woodward road trip. So while we enjoyed relaxing on the side of the pool we also enjoyed some quiet time enjoying our chilled wine while the husbands entertained the kiddos, this is what I call HEAVEN :) Thanks guys we owe you.....
So after some quick showers we left for the Aquarium to catch the show and finish off the exhibits before dinner. I really enjoyed the dolphins but could have done without the theatricals and singing but it was still good. Of course before leaving we had to hit up the gift shop Bambeano and Boo Boo both getting cuddly toys, for a shock while I scored a Christmas tree ornament and Bombshell bought we a stuffed toy too, how sweet.
Dinner choice was picked by Bombshell it was a little Italian pizza place that he had tried out while he visited Atlanta on business. He raved about the place so we were all up for trying. Must be good if the have a police officer outside directing traffic and parking it was that busy. No frills here just BYOB and find a table. We arrived and the place was heaving and we had 5 hungry kiddos but with pizza how wrong good you go. We entered and made our way to the kitchen out back where they had large bench tables family style. SO the 9 of us sat and waited patiently for others to leave and seated at a table where another party were at the end. Bombshell ordered the pizza and no joke 5 minutes or so the pizzas arrived.
Most people now my husband is a trained chef and loves experimenting and trying new foods. I on the other hand am the most pickiest eater there is, just call me plain Jane. I will admit since I started dating Bombshell some 18 years ago he had broaden my palette but I still like my comfort food. So the pizzas arrived a cheese one for the kids and the some others, that I shall call froo froo pizzas. Our friends and Bombshell started eating while I sat and sulked....I just wanted my plain old pepperoni pizza. The kids were fast running out of the cheese and Bambeano also wanted pepperoni. My super husband stopped what he was eating and went up and ordered another "plain Jane" pepperoni pizza, ah the things he does to make me happy (or should we say to have an easy life, I prefer the 1st option)
So after dinner we made our way back to the hotel and decided to give the kids a treat and take them back down to the pool for a late night swim. The adults enjoyed some down time with adult beverages again and just chilled. After some time we took the kids back up to the rooms to get them settled while the guys went for a drink at the hotel bar. I was exhausted and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.
The next morning we had to get packed up and leave our 2nd road trip adventure behind. I later found out that the guys returned back to the room sometime after midnight and could not get in the rooms. With the rooms joining the just took one key but it turned out Mummy safety mode was in full force as the security bolt was placed over the door. They tried and tried to wake my friend up even calling the front desk to call the room with no success so it resorted to banging the door VERY loudly until one of us woke up, three guesses it was NOT me......I slept through the whole thing :)
All packed up and ready to go we left Atlanta behind and started thinking about where we could have our next road trip and when......THANKS GUYS for another successful road trip it was a blast
Again we decided to not tell the kids where we were going or who we were going with....trust me 5 kiddos all bubbling with excitement before a road trip weeks before we leave was not something I think I wanted to handle. Friday came and our friends met us at our house, after a quick switcharoo of kids in cars (we have Boo Boo and her best friend, while our friends had Bambeano and their twins) and off we went.
We had a busy but fun week end planned, hotel and pool, Coca Cola factory, Braves game and Georgia Aquarium were all on the agenda. After a pit stop on the way for bathroom breaks and a stop at the mall for our Braves gear, we arrived at the hotel and checked in. It was way past my lunch and those who don't know me should know when I don't eat I get cranky as ever!!!!! I am not exaggerating just ask Bombshell and after this trip our friends can probably attest to this too. A quick drop off of bags we made our way for a late lunch at a local pub that Bombshell had spotted driving round to the hotel, ahhhhh the refreshing wine and food NOW I was a happy camper.
We walked a few blocks down to the World of Coke and made our way to the entrance. Damn this place was busy.... I am not sure how I felt about the place. On some aspects I felt like cattle being herded from one exhibit to another, they obviously have not got the Disney memo. The kids seemed to enjoy it so that was the main thing especially when it came to try the various drinks, the place was a mad house, it was a special treat for some of the kiddos who do not normally have the treat of soda.
After the hustle and bustle of the World of Coke we made our way back to the hotel to get ready for our next adventure a Major League Baseball game, Atlanta Braves vs, Philadelphia Phillies. So with the cars in valet a call was made to have the cars brought round while we started to get ready and then we would make our way to Turner Field, or so I thought............Bring on meltdown #2 for the girl who hasn't eaten.
Our friends car made it round and some of the kids were bundled in while we still waited for my car, 5 minutes nothing, 10 minutes nothing, 15 minutes nothing so I went to the desk to ask about my car and if it was coming anytime soon. Just when I thought I would not experience any more madhouses I was never more wrong. There was a family reunion trying to find out where their two rental vans were, one had "disappeared".....hmm not a good sign....finally I got the attention of an attendant and asked her for a status on my car, she asked my ticket number and disappeared, it looked like she went to the board of car keys but alas my car keys were not hanging there so without giving me any update she proceeded to the back of the office (where I could still see) and started to talk to the "runners" who collect the cars and the "runners" were glancing back at me....ARE YOU KIDDING ME not so much of an update!!!!!!!
Finally I collared another lady and told her that I was not being told of anything related to my car, she proceeded to call up to the main entrance and try and describe my car and keys. I was just about done with all the mayhem and heat (we were in the underground garage). Finally Bombshell had this "bright" idea that as there were 4 vehicles all the same model as mine we would go up as one was bound to mine.....Considering none on the key chains she described were mine I was not as hopeful. Sure enough after traipsing back upstairs round to the front not only were there no vehicles the same model as mine but mine was NOT there, how's that for a surprise, they lost my car!!!!!!
Back downstairs we went and en route I received a text from our friends confirming they could see my car, it was now miraculously found. I was so mad, hot and disgruntled I grabbed the keys from the attendant who had the gall to gleefully say "we found your car" and stormed off, and no I did not leave a tip, are you kidding me, this took about 30 minutes of my life away!!!!!
We made our way to Turner Field and parked, the place was bigger than I imagined and there were so many fans. The last MLB game I went to was NY Yankees in 1994 when Bombshell and I were living in White Plains, NY. Our seats were a far walk away but when we got seated they were great views. The kids were in front and the adults sat behind. Braves came away with the win and we stayed for fireworks. It was touch and go whether we were going to leave after the 6th inning and make our way back to the hotel. You see our hotel rooms both faced Turner Field, but as it turned out the kids wanted to stay. I am torn on whether this was a good idea or not, the fireworks and atmosphere of being there was phenomenal and the kids made the jumbo tron but the exit from the parking lot was not the best experience to say the least.
The next day we had to be up fairly early as we were meeting the manager at the Georgia Aquarium. The food service and catering is run by the company Bombshell and I work at. The place was huge and enjoyable from the start to finish. Lots of great educational pieces for the kids and the exhibits, especially the
Ocean Voyager with the underwater tunnel after taking in about half of the exhibits, grabbing some lunch and letting the kids run off some steam, we decided to make our way back to the hotel for some pool time and chill before returning back to the Aquarium for the Dolphin Tale Show.
While I chilled at the pool our ever so resourceful friends and cooked up an idea to consume the adult beverages we brought with us on the trip.......Welcome the new Deer Park "chardonnay" water only available on a Bowden/Woodward road trip. So while we enjoyed relaxing on the side of the pool we also enjoyed some quiet time enjoying our chilled wine while the husbands entertained the kiddos, this is what I call HEAVEN :) Thanks guys we owe you.....
So after some quick showers we left for the Aquarium to catch the show and finish off the exhibits before dinner. I really enjoyed the dolphins but could have done without the theatricals and singing but it was still good. Of course before leaving we had to hit up the gift shop Bambeano and Boo Boo both getting cuddly toys, for a shock while I scored a Christmas tree ornament and Bombshell bought we a stuffed toy too, how sweet.
Dinner choice was picked by Bombshell it was a little Italian pizza place that he had tried out while he visited Atlanta on business. He raved about the place so we were all up for trying. Must be good if the have a police officer outside directing traffic and parking it was that busy. No frills here just BYOB and find a table. We arrived and the place was heaving and we had 5 hungry kiddos but with pizza how wrong good you go. We entered and made our way to the kitchen out back where they had large bench tables family style. SO the 9 of us sat and waited patiently for others to leave and seated at a table where another party were at the end. Bombshell ordered the pizza and no joke 5 minutes or so the pizzas arrived.
Most people now my husband is a trained chef and loves experimenting and trying new foods. I on the other hand am the most pickiest eater there is, just call me plain Jane. I will admit since I started dating Bombshell some 18 years ago he had broaden my palette but I still like my comfort food. So the pizzas arrived a cheese one for the kids and the some others, that I shall call froo froo pizzas. Our friends and Bombshell started eating while I sat and sulked....I just wanted my plain old pepperoni pizza. The kids were fast running out of the cheese and Bambeano also wanted pepperoni. My super husband stopped what he was eating and went up and ordered another "plain Jane" pepperoni pizza, ah the things he does to make me happy (or should we say to have an easy life, I prefer the 1st option)
So after dinner we made our way back to the hotel and decided to give the kids a treat and take them back down to the pool for a late night swim. The adults enjoyed some down time with adult beverages again and just chilled. After some time we took the kids back up to the rooms to get them settled while the guys went for a drink at the hotel bar. I was exhausted and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.
The next morning we had to get packed up and leave our 2nd road trip adventure behind. I later found out that the guys returned back to the room sometime after midnight and could not get in the rooms. With the rooms joining the just took one key but it turned out Mummy safety mode was in full force as the security bolt was placed over the door. They tried and tried to wake my friend up even calling the front desk to call the room with no success so it resorted to banging the door VERY loudly until one of us woke up, three guesses it was NOT me......I slept through the whole thing :)
All packed up and ready to go we left Atlanta behind and started thinking about where we could have our next road trip and when......THANKS GUYS for another successful road trip it was a blast
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Part 3 But does it really have to end....
So our last week of our England trip had come upon us and it was a bit of mixed emotions...I and the kids were really missing Bombshell, who we had left at home, but I was also becoming comfortable being back home to the point it was becoming natural.
Monday we just chilled out resting from our trip the previous day at Chessington. Packed up and made our way over to Grandma's house. It was a windy day but we made a trip down to the marina so the kids could do some crabbing. Now the sun was shining and we had the Carolina blue but oh my the wind was sure whipped up down by the water, and here I was in my shorts freezing my ta-tas off.
Bambeano loved throwing the line into the water and catching the bite but when it came into actually seeing the crab or unhooking that was another story, the darn kid didn't realize that although the crab was on the end of the line he was still holding the other end of the line so no matter how far or where he moved to the crab followed, that was until it got loose and start to crawl to find the water. I tried my hardest not to laugh but it was interesting to watch to say the least.
Now Boo Boo on the other hand was getting a real hang of the whole thing and loved trying to beat the size of the crab she hooked with the next one, she too was a little squeamish when it came to unhook, I was having none of it, and you wonder where they get their fear from. Grandma on the other hand came to the rescue.
With the wind and movement of the jetty it wasn't long before we decided to leave. Poor Cilla (Grandma's dog) was not too impressed with the whole thing.
The next day we pottered around the house, took the dog for a walk and had lunch before we ventured out to Tiptree Jam factory for a true English afternoon tea, clotted cream and all. Boy was this just heaven, good ole English tea, jam, scone and of course not to forget the cream!!!!! We left there and ventured back to Grandma's.
Card games and wine flowed and we even caught some of the Euro 2012 soccer which Jack loved.
This was also the great week to catch up with some great friends. Tuesday was an afternoon at the Castle Park again meeting up with my oldest friend from college who also happens to be Boo Boo's godmother. After the kids burned out their energy it was time to grab some dinner before heading back to Grandma's.
Wednesday was an afternoon catching up with more great friends. Darren is also Boo Boo's godfather and spent 18 months in Charlotte with Chris when they were interning. His wife, Martine, and I first met when we both traveled to Charlotte for one Christmas while both Darren and Chris were living there and we hit off immediately and had a very memorable night New Years Eve 2008 at the now defunct club, The Hut this was followed up by kicking up a storm on the dance floor on my wedding day, glad YouTube wasn't so popular back then!!!! Their 3 boys and Bambeano hit it off just as well when we walked up to the "Rec" and they kicked around a soccer ball. I think the fact the boys all had on soccer strips, 2 of which were Tottenham, Bambeano was super excited. Martine was able to stop by before she had leave for a school function she had to attend with her being a teacher.
After freshing up and handing off babysitting duties to Nannie and Grandad. Grandad dropped me back off at Darren's so Darren and I could enjoy dinner, you've guessed it another Indian!!!!
Saturday came around real quick and this was Boo Boo's long awaited request, a trip to Buckingham Palace and a chance to catch up with their other cousins. Grandma drove us up to Uncle Paul and Auntie Liz's house in Enfield and from there we caught the train into London. We made our way through the crowds to the front of the Palace, this palace was HEAVING!!!!! My first thought was surely this cannot be the lines to tour the Palace, I was kind of nervous as this was the opening day of the palace due to the Jubilee events but we made our way to the gates. It turned out to be the ending of the changing of the guard, how neat, of all my years leaving in England I never experienced this. Boo Boo grabbed her brother's hand and her cousin and squirmed their way to the front, Boo Boo armed with her camera took some great shots.
After some lunch we made our way to the Palace for our tour, it was busy but interesting, the crown jewels exhibit was a bit of a shambles but that is the British way I guess. No air conditioning and the lack of controls of crowds in large spaces made for some uncomfortable times, I think a training session from Disney would fix that right up. The gardens were unbelievable and the sun was shining what more could you ask for. It was quite amazing that this beautiful Palace and grounds were smack in the middle of the hustle and bustle of London.
Sunday the kids spent time with their cousins before leaving Grandma's and making their way over to Nannie's to catch up with their other cousins.
Now the time had come to start packing up for our return home, mixed emotions came as I was excited to see Bombshell and friends but so so emotionally draining to be leaving. We had spent so much time at home catching up with family and friends that it really did bring home what I miss living in America.
A final hurrah dinner Monday and the cousins (my sister's kids) got to enjoy each other's company before having to say goodbye
Tuesday was a day of drizzle and some final shopping before we left for the airport hotel. Picked up Bambeano's soccer cleats (Football boots to my English friends) for his birthday and some other last minute goodies before packing it all up to leave for the hotel.
I was hoping the day of our flight the kids would do just as good as they did flying over and maybe US Airways had my name flagged in the system in a good way after our experiencing flying to England. Well the morning did not start good as both the kids were both very tired and Boo Boo was not feeling too good, geez cannot I not catch a break!!!!
After several trips to the bathroom throwing up and a nice episode on the curb outside Gatwick you could say I was just about done. However, not to be out beaten by his sister, Bambeano started to join in on the act, so make that 2 kids throwing up before our flight, FUN FUN FUN. To make it a little easier Gatwick now has a family and need assistance immigration so after some tearful good byes we made our way through immigration, it was a breeze. This was a VERY hard good bye only made easier by being strong for the kids.
Until next time England, thanks for the fun times, great memories and last of all the weather!!!!!!
Can't wait to write about our next adventure, ATL BABY!!!!!
Monday we just chilled out resting from our trip the previous day at Chessington. Packed up and made our way over to Grandma's house. It was a windy day but we made a trip down to the marina so the kids could do some crabbing. Now the sun was shining and we had the Carolina blue but oh my the wind was sure whipped up down by the water, and here I was in my shorts freezing my ta-tas off.
Bambeano loved throwing the line into the water and catching the bite but when it came into actually seeing the crab or unhooking that was another story, the darn kid didn't realize that although the crab was on the end of the line he was still holding the other end of the line so no matter how far or where he moved to the crab followed, that was until it got loose and start to crawl to find the water. I tried my hardest not to laugh but it was interesting to watch to say the least.
Now Boo Boo on the other hand was getting a real hang of the whole thing and loved trying to beat the size of the crab she hooked with the next one, she too was a little squeamish when it came to unhook, I was having none of it, and you wonder where they get their fear from. Grandma on the other hand came to the rescue.
With the wind and movement of the jetty it wasn't long before we decided to leave. Poor Cilla (Grandma's dog) was not too impressed with the whole thing.
The next day we pottered around the house, took the dog for a walk and had lunch before we ventured out to Tiptree Jam factory for a true English afternoon tea, clotted cream and all. Boy was this just heaven, good ole English tea, jam, scone and of course not to forget the cream!!!!! We left there and ventured back to Grandma's.
Card games and wine flowed and we even caught some of the Euro 2012 soccer which Jack loved.
This was also the great week to catch up with some great friends. Tuesday was an afternoon at the Castle Park again meeting up with my oldest friend from college who also happens to be Boo Boo's godmother. After the kids burned out their energy it was time to grab some dinner before heading back to Grandma's.
Wednesday was an afternoon catching up with more great friends. Darren is also Boo Boo's godfather and spent 18 months in Charlotte with Chris when they were interning. His wife, Martine, and I first met when we both traveled to Charlotte for one Christmas while both Darren and Chris were living there and we hit off immediately and had a very memorable night New Years Eve 2008 at the now defunct club, The Hut this was followed up by kicking up a storm on the dance floor on my wedding day, glad YouTube wasn't so popular back then!!!! Their 3 boys and Bambeano hit it off just as well when we walked up to the "Rec" and they kicked around a soccer ball. I think the fact the boys all had on soccer strips, 2 of which were Tottenham, Bambeano was super excited. Martine was able to stop by before she had leave for a school function she had to attend with her being a teacher.
After freshing up and handing off babysitting duties to Nannie and Grandad. Grandad dropped me back off at Darren's so Darren and I could enjoy dinner, you've guessed it another Indian!!!!
Saturday came around real quick and this was Boo Boo's long awaited request, a trip to Buckingham Palace and a chance to catch up with their other cousins. Grandma drove us up to Uncle Paul and Auntie Liz's house in Enfield and from there we caught the train into London. We made our way through the crowds to the front of the Palace, this palace was HEAVING!!!!! My first thought was surely this cannot be the lines to tour the Palace, I was kind of nervous as this was the opening day of the palace due to the Jubilee events but we made our way to the gates. It turned out to be the ending of the changing of the guard, how neat, of all my years leaving in England I never experienced this. Boo Boo grabbed her brother's hand and her cousin and squirmed their way to the front, Boo Boo armed with her camera took some great shots.
After some lunch we made our way to the Palace for our tour, it was busy but interesting, the crown jewels exhibit was a bit of a shambles but that is the British way I guess. No air conditioning and the lack of controls of crowds in large spaces made for some uncomfortable times, I think a training session from Disney would fix that right up. The gardens were unbelievable and the sun was shining what more could you ask for. It was quite amazing that this beautiful Palace and grounds were smack in the middle of the hustle and bustle of London.
Sunday the kids spent time with their cousins before leaving Grandma's and making their way over to Nannie's to catch up with their other cousins.
![]() |
Bowden & Humberstone Cousins (Bombshell's sister's children) |
A final hurrah dinner Monday and the cousins (my sister's kids) got to enjoy each other's company before having to say goodbye
Bowden & Cooper Cousins (My sister's children) |
I was hoping the day of our flight the kids would do just as good as they did flying over and maybe US Airways had my name flagged in the system in a good way after our experiencing flying to England. Well the morning did not start good as both the kids were both very tired and Boo Boo was not feeling too good, geez cannot I not catch a break!!!!
After several trips to the bathroom throwing up and a nice episode on the curb outside Gatwick you could say I was just about done. However, not to be out beaten by his sister, Bambeano started to join in on the act, so make that 2 kids throwing up before our flight, FUN FUN FUN. To make it a little easier Gatwick now has a family and need assistance immigration so after some tearful good byes we made our way through immigration, it was a breeze. This was a VERY hard good bye only made easier by being strong for the kids.
Until next time England, thanks for the fun times, great memories and last of all the weather!!!!!!
Can't wait to write about our next adventure, ATL BABY!!!!!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Vacation Part 2....
Wow it has been a month since we got back from our England trip and boy does it feel a distant memory....
We had so much fun and the weather was very kind to us. All my stress of packing two season for the 3 of us was not needed. After arriving on English soil with no sleep I got my 1st taste of the English breakfast I oh so miss....we ended up at Lakeside at Tescos (to my US friends Lakeside is a huge shopping mall and Tescos is a grocery store similar to Super Target)
Full and happy we made it to my old house, why oh why everything looks so small I will never get used to that, unpacking started while the kids played on the new found trampoline in Nannie's backyard before we made the trip to Grandma's for lunch.
Thursday was our down day of just chilling with nothing really planned as the next day we had to get up really early to catch a plan to Uncle Martin's to Belfast. I was looking forward to this trip probably the most. I haven't been to visit since my Nannie passed away in 2002 and the kids had never been. I wanted them to see some great sights that I had taken Bombshell when we got married. My first rain started when we landed and boy it really put the shock in me on how cold it was, as soon as we get to Uncle Martin's the jeans were coming out.
I hadn't seen the new house since they moved and they since have 3 horses so of course despite the rain and mud Boo Boo was eager to go see and ride the horses. We waited until Lizzy (my cousin) got home from school and she went horse riding while my Aunt and I went to the store.
Saturday my mum and I went to my Grandad and Nan's grave to visit and leave flowers, Friday was the 10 anniversary since my Nan had passed, it was another wet and dreary day. In the evening we ended in Belfast played bowling, which I won (of course) and then finished the night with a Delicious and I mean Delicious Indian. Sunday turned beautiful we made our way up to the coast of Antrim first stop Carrick-a-rede rope bridge and we all made it across, with great views seeing Scotland in the distance.
Monday back home to England and the rest of our adventures were to begin. A picnic in the park with some great weather, Shorts and T-shirts and blue skies followed by some time at Grandma's that included a trip to the beach. On our trip to the beach we had English chips on the beach, some paddling by the kids, a visit to the old haunt of mine and Bombshell's college before finishing it up with some amusement rides on Clacton Pier.
A quick stop shopping where I got some great gifts for our friends back home before we started to make our way back to Grandma's. Next on the adventure was a surprise trip for Nannie and the kids, Grandad (Nannie's Grandad the kids way of distinguishing between the the two grandads) had helped me plan by ensuring Nannie was free on Friday. We got up fairly early and packed a small suitcase as after the day's adventures we would be staying the night in London to enjoy Saturday at Tower of London.
We made our way to our secret destination which started with a delay......we had a sick one....oh my this would be interesting....so I switched seats with Boo Boo she sat up front with Grandad while I squeezed in the back with Nannie & Bambeano. After a few moments I realize the reason for Boo Boo's queasiness. Nannie's perfume was a tad overpowering, with a cracked window we were on our way to "the secret"..... after an hour or so we made our way through Enfield in which Boo Boo thought she was going to see her other cousins that lived there, but nope, that wasn't the right answer....we continued on through Edmonton and that is when Nannie knew where we were headed but the kids still had no clue........Boo Boo saw the signs for Tottenham (the town) and squealed at Bambeano that she saw Tottenham...the penny will drop in a few minutes....
We continued on till we found the destination, made a turn and Boo Boo squealed to Bambeano she saw Tottenham Hotspur yep we were at White Hart Lane. To see the look on Bambeano's face was priceless he was in awe that we were actually here. It was the one thing he had told me he wanted to do when I asked the kids one thing they wanted to do. I had been planning this for a while and had been working with the tour manager to arrange. There was a main tour and our VIP tour. I decided on the VIP tour as I thought it would be better for the kids and I was not wrong. The regular tour left the store about 30 minutes before ours and it was a mass of people herding behind the guide, I want to say there were about 30 people or so. Ours left soon after (yes it took them that long to get organized) and it was just the 5 of us, heaven. Our guide John was fantastic, he grew up supporting Spurs (Tottenham Hotspur) and had a wealth of history and knowledge. We made our way into the press room and the kids got to experience sitting in the press chairs. Next up the suites, if you could call them that, again that smalls vs. US big comparison came to mind.
We made our way into the stadium and sat in the seats as if we were watching a game, looking at all the details of the stadium, one fact that I found interesting was the stadium was on the grounds of what used to be allotments (gardens with vegetable patches). We saw the police pod that was suspended from the roof that enabled the police to zoom in on any trouble and radio to the stewards and police on the ground. After soaking in the ground and stadium we made our way to the trophy room and changing rooms (or as US call Locker rooms). The referees had their own and when they are ready for the game to start and make their way to the tunnel they ring a door bell that rings in the changing rooms of the visitors and Spurs, another mouth dropping moment for the kids, they loved ringing the bell.
The kids loved the changing room of Spurs, all the shirts were hung up with the players names and there was a white board with magnets. Boo Boo screamed "They have a board like daddy uses for coaching" I smiled thinking "More like daddy has a board like Spurs" but I won't burst her bubble. Now for the walk down the tunnel, AMAZING!!!!! and to finish up a chance to sit as manager for a moment....interesting given the owners of Spurs just fired the manager
So after a GREAT day at Tottenham and some goodies purchased at the store, unfortunately the new shirts were not out, we started to make our way to our hotel for the night...Not so fast as it turned out we had to stay out of London for 30 minutes to avoid the congestion charge ( A premium fee to try and discourage cars into the center of London) so we decided we had to try and waste some time, shopping and eating was out of the question so what would we come up with.......well Arsenal's ground was fairly close I mean that is why Tottenham and Arsenal a fierce rivals. So we made our way over to Emirates Stadium. I couldn't believe how Americanized the new stadium was, it reminded me of the Panthers Stadium the Oval feel as appose to the old school rectangular stadiums like Tottenham. We parked up so we could take a bathroom break and take some pictures but Bambeano refused to get out of the car, what in the world, after back in forth discussion I finally asked him why was he not getting out of the car, he whispered he couldn't. I asked why and he pointed to his shirt. He had his new Tottenham shirt on and knew he was in Arsenal Territory, I smiled and passed him a different shirt.
After a rested night at the hotel we got up early and made our way to the Tower of London. I had read up in Nannie's tour book that when visiting the Tower of London it is best to go straight to the crown jewels as lines can get long. So we made our way in and started to walk towards the crown jewels at least where we thought we were going, so I stopped a "beefeater" to ask if we were going the right way and he immediately saw Boo Boo's Charlotte Soccer Academy sweatshirt and told us he had friends that lived in Matthews, WOW small world or what, so not only did he tell us where we needed to go he walked with us and gave some off the cuff history, nothing like a personal tour and we loved it even if it was short.
On our arrival to the crown jewels we stopped to get some pictures of the guard outside and to our surprise they started a change of guards, so we stayed and watched, another first for the kids. We saw so much during the visit and the kids were very involved and interested with no whining "Are we done yet?" that I had prepared myself for. Our stomachs told us it must be lunch after looking at my watch I was surprised to see it was 3pm. Wow we had been in the Tower of London since 9.30am no wonder my stomach was telling me it was hungry, how time flies when you are having fun, a quick stop for lunch at Subway before we embarked on a river cruise down to Big Ben so the kids could visit Hamley's.
Our busy week end didn't end there......Sunday saw us make a visit to Chessington. This truly was a family outing, huge mini bus to accommodate Nannie, Grandad, me and the kids and my sister, her 2 kids and her husband. Weather started fairly reasonable, shorts but sweaters were still needed. Upon arrival we made our way to the rides, Bambeano was the daredevil wanting to do all the "big rides" I was happy to oblige while Nannie watched the bags. Boo Boo made it towards some easier rides with her cousin. We came to one ride that none of the kids could ride so back to my childhood I went, Grandad (my dad, my sister and I) all made our way to ride Rameses Revenge. This ride turns you upside down, spins you around and lowers you head first over water fountains well we were wet anyway due to HUGE downpour. Nannie and my brother in law were on kid duty and thanks to the huge downpour we had no line for the ride. We go on and it started. The ride lowered us head first and soaked me right in the face, my sister was laughing so hard while I tried to wipe the hair out of my face, but y'know what the laugh was on her as she was laughing so hard at me she didn't see or realize the huge fountain aiming right for her....BAM she got hit worse that I did, my turn to laugh at her, so while we grasped some relief the ride started to make it's way back up, or so we thought, hmmm we were swinging back and forth a bit too long or were we.....An announcement then came over the speaker that everyone dreads while on a ride..... "sorry but we are experiencing some technical difficulties please bear with us while we try to fix the situation"....thankfully we were not upside down....so after a few minutes the ride started to make the descend. It appeared that a man a few seats up was too "wide" as the attendant stated. So while he was escorted of the ride, the sun now out, the line for the ride forming, the attendant asked all of us currently on the ride if we wanted to go again...HELL YEAH!!!!!
Well I will leave it there and promise PART 3 will come soon as well as our recent adventures to Atlanta......until then my friends :)
We had so much fun and the weather was very kind to us. All my stress of packing two season for the 3 of us was not needed. After arriving on English soil with no sleep I got my 1st taste of the English breakfast I oh so miss....we ended up at Lakeside at Tescos (to my US friends Lakeside is a huge shopping mall and Tescos is a grocery store similar to Super Target)
Full and happy we made it to my old house, why oh why everything looks so small I will never get used to that, unpacking started while the kids played on the new found trampoline in Nannie's backyard before we made the trip to Grandma's for lunch.
Thursday was our down day of just chilling with nothing really planned as the next day we had to get up really early to catch a plan to Uncle Martin's to Belfast. I was looking forward to this trip probably the most. I haven't been to visit since my Nannie passed away in 2002 and the kids had never been. I wanted them to see some great sights that I had taken Bombshell when we got married. My first rain started when we landed and boy it really put the shock in me on how cold it was, as soon as we get to Uncle Martin's the jeans were coming out.
I hadn't seen the new house since they moved and they since have 3 horses so of course despite the rain and mud Boo Boo was eager to go see and ride the horses. We waited until Lizzy (my cousin) got home from school and she went horse riding while my Aunt and I went to the store.
Saturday my mum and I went to my Grandad and Nan's grave to visit and leave flowers, Friday was the 10 anniversary since my Nan had passed, it was another wet and dreary day. In the evening we ended in Belfast played bowling, which I won (of course) and then finished the night with a Delicious and I mean Delicious Indian. Sunday turned beautiful we made our way up to the coast of Antrim first stop Carrick-a-rede rope bridge and we all made it across, with great views seeing Scotland in the distance.
Monday back home to England and the rest of our adventures were to begin. A picnic in the park with some great weather, Shorts and T-shirts and blue skies followed by some time at Grandma's that included a trip to the beach. On our trip to the beach we had English chips on the beach, some paddling by the kids, a visit to the old haunt of mine and Bombshell's college before finishing it up with some amusement rides on Clacton Pier.
A quick stop shopping where I got some great gifts for our friends back home before we started to make our way back to Grandma's. Next on the adventure was a surprise trip for Nannie and the kids, Grandad (Nannie's Grandad the kids way of distinguishing between the the two grandads) had helped me plan by ensuring Nannie was free on Friday. We got up fairly early and packed a small suitcase as after the day's adventures we would be staying the night in London to enjoy Saturday at Tower of London.
We made our way to our secret destination which started with a delay......we had a sick one....oh my this would be interesting....so I switched seats with Boo Boo she sat up front with Grandad while I squeezed in the back with Nannie & Bambeano. After a few moments I realize the reason for Boo Boo's queasiness. Nannie's perfume was a tad overpowering, with a cracked window we were on our way to "the secret"..... after an hour or so we made our way through Enfield in which Boo Boo thought she was going to see her other cousins that lived there, but nope, that wasn't the right answer....we continued on through Edmonton and that is when Nannie knew where we were headed but the kids still had no clue........Boo Boo saw the signs for Tottenham (the town) and squealed at Bambeano that she saw Tottenham...the penny will drop in a few minutes....
We continued on till we found the destination, made a turn and Boo Boo squealed to Bambeano she saw Tottenham Hotspur yep we were at White Hart Lane. To see the look on Bambeano's face was priceless he was in awe that we were actually here. It was the one thing he had told me he wanted to do when I asked the kids one thing they wanted to do. I had been planning this for a while and had been working with the tour manager to arrange. There was a main tour and our VIP tour. I decided on the VIP tour as I thought it would be better for the kids and I was not wrong. The regular tour left the store about 30 minutes before ours and it was a mass of people herding behind the guide, I want to say there were about 30 people or so. Ours left soon after (yes it took them that long to get organized) and it was just the 5 of us, heaven. Our guide John was fantastic, he grew up supporting Spurs (Tottenham Hotspur) and had a wealth of history and knowledge. We made our way into the press room and the kids got to experience sitting in the press chairs. Next up the suites, if you could call them that, again that smalls vs. US big comparison came to mind.
We made our way into the stadium and sat in the seats as if we were watching a game, looking at all the details of the stadium, one fact that I found interesting was the stadium was on the grounds of what used to be allotments (gardens with vegetable patches). We saw the police pod that was suspended from the roof that enabled the police to zoom in on any trouble and radio to the stewards and police on the ground. After soaking in the ground and stadium we made our way to the trophy room and changing rooms (or as US call Locker rooms). The referees had their own and when they are ready for the game to start and make their way to the tunnel they ring a door bell that rings in the changing rooms of the visitors and Spurs, another mouth dropping moment for the kids, they loved ringing the bell.
The kids loved the changing room of Spurs, all the shirts were hung up with the players names and there was a white board with magnets. Boo Boo screamed "They have a board like daddy uses for coaching" I smiled thinking "More like daddy has a board like Spurs" but I won't burst her bubble. Now for the walk down the tunnel, AMAZING!!!!! and to finish up a chance to sit as manager for a moment....interesting given the owners of Spurs just fired the manager
So after a GREAT day at Tottenham and some goodies purchased at the store, unfortunately the new shirts were not out, we started to make our way to our hotel for the night...Not so fast as it turned out we had to stay out of London for 30 minutes to avoid the congestion charge ( A premium fee to try and discourage cars into the center of London) so we decided we had to try and waste some time, shopping and eating was out of the question so what would we come up with.......well Arsenal's ground was fairly close I mean that is why Tottenham and Arsenal a fierce rivals. So we made our way over to Emirates Stadium. I couldn't believe how Americanized the new stadium was, it reminded me of the Panthers Stadium the Oval feel as appose to the old school rectangular stadiums like Tottenham. We parked up so we could take a bathroom break and take some pictures but Bambeano refused to get out of the car, what in the world, after back in forth discussion I finally asked him why was he not getting out of the car, he whispered he couldn't. I asked why and he pointed to his shirt. He had his new Tottenham shirt on and knew he was in Arsenal Territory, I smiled and passed him a different shirt.
After a rested night at the hotel we got up early and made our way to the Tower of London. I had read up in Nannie's tour book that when visiting the Tower of London it is best to go straight to the crown jewels as lines can get long. So we made our way in and started to walk towards the crown jewels at least where we thought we were going, so I stopped a "beefeater" to ask if we were going the right way and he immediately saw Boo Boo's Charlotte Soccer Academy sweatshirt and told us he had friends that lived in Matthews, WOW small world or what, so not only did he tell us where we needed to go he walked with us and gave some off the cuff history, nothing like a personal tour and we loved it even if it was short.
On our arrival to the crown jewels we stopped to get some pictures of the guard outside and to our surprise they started a change of guards, so we stayed and watched, another first for the kids. We saw so much during the visit and the kids were very involved and interested with no whining "Are we done yet?" that I had prepared myself for. Our stomachs told us it must be lunch after looking at my watch I was surprised to see it was 3pm. Wow we had been in the Tower of London since 9.30am no wonder my stomach was telling me it was hungry, how time flies when you are having fun, a quick stop for lunch at Subway before we embarked on a river cruise down to Big Ben so the kids could visit Hamley's.
Our busy week end didn't end there......Sunday saw us make a visit to Chessington. This truly was a family outing, huge mini bus to accommodate Nannie, Grandad, me and the kids and my sister, her 2 kids and her husband. Weather started fairly reasonable, shorts but sweaters were still needed. Upon arrival we made our way to the rides, Bambeano was the daredevil wanting to do all the "big rides" I was happy to oblige while Nannie watched the bags. Boo Boo made it towards some easier rides with her cousin. We came to one ride that none of the kids could ride so back to my childhood I went, Grandad (my dad, my sister and I) all made our way to ride Rameses Revenge. This ride turns you upside down, spins you around and lowers you head first over water fountains well we were wet anyway due to HUGE downpour. Nannie and my brother in law were on kid duty and thanks to the huge downpour we had no line for the ride. We go on and it started. The ride lowered us head first and soaked me right in the face, my sister was laughing so hard while I tried to wipe the hair out of my face, but y'know what the laugh was on her as she was laughing so hard at me she didn't see or realize the huge fountain aiming right for her....BAM she got hit worse that I did, my turn to laugh at her, so while we grasped some relief the ride started to make it's way back up, or so we thought, hmmm we were swinging back and forth a bit too long or were we.....An announcement then came over the speaker that everyone dreads while on a ride..... "sorry but we are experiencing some technical difficulties please bear with us while we try to fix the situation"....thankfully we were not upside down....so after a few minutes the ride started to make the descend. It appeared that a man a few seats up was too "wide" as the attendant stated. So while he was escorted of the ride, the sun now out, the line for the ride forming, the attendant asked all of us currently on the ride if we wanted to go again...HELL YEAH!!!!!
Well I will leave it there and promise PART 3 will come soon as well as our recent adventures to Atlanta......until then my friends :)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Summer is definately here........
Wow you can tell summer is finally here...school is out and the heat has arrived and I have been lax in my blog writing. The time just flies.
Kids finished school June 9 so this year we planned our vacation to go back home to England. We haven't been home for 2.5 years and the last time we went home during the summer Bambeano was 10 months old (he is now nearly 7). Now flying home for the typical 10 days doesn't cut it as we rush around catching up with family, friends and try and have a vacation.
This year was different I was going to fly early with the kids and we would be there over 3 weeks and Bombshell would follow soon after. The preparations in the house were exciting (kids) and panicky (me), not that I was nervous about flying on my own with the kids but the weather was forecasted as typical British Summer (RAIN), OMG what was I to pack.
A few weeks before the trip a curve ball came our way, my meticulous planning was out the window. You see with school out I didn't need to have kids in camp Bombshell would be off work Monday and Tuesday and could watch the kids before driving to my work Tuesday and taking us to the airport, but no nothing could be that simple....This should have been a sign.......
Monday he did stay off with the kids but then he had to fly to Florida for a conference so he came to my work and we dropped him off......now for Tuesday, what now!!!!!!! A great neighbor's daughter stepped in and came by at 6.45am Tuesday to watch the kids while I went to work.....taking 3 weeks off work left me thin for other vacation days......(I only had 20 days this year with a change in vacation schedule not being calendar year) at 11.30am VACATION FINALLY STARTS!!!!!!
The trip to the airport was fraught with the kids fighting, normal I know but with the prospect of a 7.5 hr flight this was not something I was looking forward too. Having nipped that in the bud we were off to the airport. Parking was a nightmare but we were able to secure daily parking given that Bombshell was coming back from Florida Wednesday late so he would pick up the car, kids fighting had stopped so I finally could relax, or so I thought.
Checking in was not as smooth as I would have liked. The seating layout of the plane is 2, 4, 2 so I had secured 3 seats together in the block of 4, not my ideal situation as the seats are cramped but at least we would be together....yeah that didn't work out. I get to the desk and we have all been moved around. I am on a block of 2 fortunately the same row as Boo Boo but there was an aisle and a seat between us....now where in the world was Bambeano's seat. My 6 year old, that's right a child ticket, was moved 6 rows behind us but over on the left side of the plane, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I asked the desk agent to seat us together and the responses was we cannot help you, you will have to go to the gate.
Off the gate I go and I am met with another disappointing response from US Airways.....
"I'm sorry but I cannot move the person at the window as they requested it"
My response...."But my children and I were all sat together and have been moved and how can a 6 year old be separated from his family"
Their response....."You will have to work with the flight attendants"
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! In the meantime I have 2 worried children......my game plane was to give Bambeano my seat and see if I can at least get the kids together, then with it being a night flight, get them settled and hopefully they will sleep.
I get on the flight and the attendant was less than funny, gives me high fives that I am away form my kids on the long flight that it would be every mother's dream, where do they pick these crazy people, with the kids settled together a kind lady gives up her aisle seat and let's Boo Boo move to the aisle now the kids are separated only by the aisle. Now on to sort my seat to get closer to the kids.....
The airplane is full and patiently waiting to push back form the gate. It appears now there is a spare seat next to Boo Boo but I am told by the attendant they are waiting for one more passenger, surely I could take the seat (in the block of 4) and they could have my aisle seat. NO I was emphatically told!!!!
Well here comes the passenger.......a English (I can spot them a mile off) man, DRUNK, seriously you were going to a) allow him on board, b) have him sit next to my 10 year old, not if I have my way. I patiently watched the unfolding events as well as try and keep Bombshell informed (we had been texting). The drunk passes Boo Boo's row and comes the 6 rows back to my row, starts fumbling his pockets. The flight attendant asks him to take a seat he is holding up the plane, he responds he is looking for his ticket (he was adamant he was in our row). This went on for what seems 5-10 minutes before the attendant got very agitated and told the passenger sternly to sit down and points to the seat by Boo Boo. I popped up from my seat on the opposite side of the plane and said I would take the seat he could take my aisle seat, the relief on my kids face was all I needed to know that this Mama Bear did good.
The drunk proceeded to fall into the laps of the passengers in my aisle while I whipped my bag and moved quickly over to my kids. Boo Boo moved over one seat and Bambeano sat next to her then we had the aisle between us.
After the crazy beginnings of our vacation I could finally relax and the kids did FANTASTIC on the plane, no fighting and Boo Boo being very motherly and helping her brother. I was settled with a glass of wine VACATION HAS OFFICALLY STARTED!!!!!!!
Kids finished school June 9 so this year we planned our vacation to go back home to England. We haven't been home for 2.5 years and the last time we went home during the summer Bambeano was 10 months old (he is now nearly 7). Now flying home for the typical 10 days doesn't cut it as we rush around catching up with family, friends and try and have a vacation.
This year was different I was going to fly early with the kids and we would be there over 3 weeks and Bombshell would follow soon after. The preparations in the house were exciting (kids) and panicky (me), not that I was nervous about flying on my own with the kids but the weather was forecasted as typical British Summer (RAIN), OMG what was I to pack.
A few weeks before the trip a curve ball came our way, my meticulous planning was out the window. You see with school out I didn't need to have kids in camp Bombshell would be off work Monday and Tuesday and could watch the kids before driving to my work Tuesday and taking us to the airport, but no nothing could be that simple....This should have been a sign.......
Monday he did stay off with the kids but then he had to fly to Florida for a conference so he came to my work and we dropped him off......now for Tuesday, what now!!!!!!! A great neighbor's daughter stepped in and came by at 6.45am Tuesday to watch the kids while I went to work.....taking 3 weeks off work left me thin for other vacation days......(I only had 20 days this year with a change in vacation schedule not being calendar year) at 11.30am VACATION FINALLY STARTS!!!!!!
The trip to the airport was fraught with the kids fighting, normal I know but with the prospect of a 7.5 hr flight this was not something I was looking forward too. Having nipped that in the bud we were off to the airport. Parking was a nightmare but we were able to secure daily parking given that Bombshell was coming back from Florida Wednesday late so he would pick up the car, kids fighting had stopped so I finally could relax, or so I thought.
Checking in was not as smooth as I would have liked. The seating layout of the plane is 2, 4, 2 so I had secured 3 seats together in the block of 4, not my ideal situation as the seats are cramped but at least we would be together....yeah that didn't work out. I get to the desk and we have all been moved around. I am on a block of 2 fortunately the same row as Boo Boo but there was an aisle and a seat between us....now where in the world was Bambeano's seat. My 6 year old, that's right a child ticket, was moved 6 rows behind us but over on the left side of the plane, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I asked the desk agent to seat us together and the responses was we cannot help you, you will have to go to the gate.
Off the gate I go and I am met with another disappointing response from US Airways.....
"I'm sorry but I cannot move the person at the window as they requested it"
My response...."But my children and I were all sat together and have been moved and how can a 6 year old be separated from his family"
Their response....."You will have to work with the flight attendants"
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! In the meantime I have 2 worried children......my game plane was to give Bambeano my seat and see if I can at least get the kids together, then with it being a night flight, get them settled and hopefully they will sleep.
I get on the flight and the attendant was less than funny, gives me high fives that I am away form my kids on the long flight that it would be every mother's dream, where do they pick these crazy people, with the kids settled together a kind lady gives up her aisle seat and let's Boo Boo move to the aisle now the kids are separated only by the aisle. Now on to sort my seat to get closer to the kids.....
The airplane is full and patiently waiting to push back form the gate. It appears now there is a spare seat next to Boo Boo but I am told by the attendant they are waiting for one more passenger, surely I could take the seat (in the block of 4) and they could have my aisle seat. NO I was emphatically told!!!!
Well here comes the passenger.......a English (I can spot them a mile off) man, DRUNK, seriously you were going to a) allow him on board, b) have him sit next to my 10 year old, not if I have my way. I patiently watched the unfolding events as well as try and keep Bombshell informed (we had been texting). The drunk passes Boo Boo's row and comes the 6 rows back to my row, starts fumbling his pockets. The flight attendant asks him to take a seat he is holding up the plane, he responds he is looking for his ticket (he was adamant he was in our row). This went on for what seems 5-10 minutes before the attendant got very agitated and told the passenger sternly to sit down and points to the seat by Boo Boo. I popped up from my seat on the opposite side of the plane and said I would take the seat he could take my aisle seat, the relief on my kids face was all I needed to know that this Mama Bear did good.
The drunk proceeded to fall into the laps of the passengers in my aisle while I whipped my bag and moved quickly over to my kids. Boo Boo moved over one seat and Bambeano sat next to her then we had the aisle between us.
After the crazy beginnings of our vacation I could finally relax and the kids did FANTASTIC on the plane, no fighting and Boo Boo being very motherly and helping her brother. I was settled with a glass of wine VACATION HAS OFFICALLY STARTED!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
What you get when a month passes..............
Wow were does the time go......It is crazy in the Bowden household. Soccer has finished for Boo Boo so you would think life would be a little easier but somehow it has gotten crazier......We have had EOGS (End of Grade testing), Soccer try outs, Chorus performances, Bambeano's soccer games and a visit from Grandma and Grandad......
Boo Boo continues to excel both at soccer and school. EOG's ended up stretching to 3 days....The first day Boo Boo was throwing up at 2am in the morning. Bombshell thinking it was just nerves sent her to school but of course less than an hour later I got the phone call and had to pick her up. She spent the rest of the day sleeping on the sofa, Boo Boo being Boo bounced back the next day and hit her EOG's out the park and then made up her missed one the day after that now onto soccer try outs, this girl is busy.
Try outs were successful and she has secured herself a spot on the U11 Elite team. She did at first want to still be with her friends and play U12 as she played up last year but the director and her goal keeper coach said it would be a good time to put her with her age now because in the next few years she would not be able to play up. and her growth and development would be instrumental now, she seems to have a good solid team and her coach is the technical director at her club pretty excited for the new season to start in August.
With soccer season over for Boo Boo she got to take part in her chorus performance at one of the local malls. They sung one of Boo Boo's favorite, Stereo Hearts. The kids do great singing and their music teacher is adored by them all. Great job Mr Barnaba Boo Boo has loved chorus and is eager for next year to try out.....This is by far my favorite from the chorus
After the mall singing we had to rush back to catch Bambeano's soccer game and this one I got on camera with video and boy am I glad I did some great passing and goals by the team....It has been a little frustrating for Bombshell I think pulling the kids back but this team is all goal hungry and with Bambeano back on the field they all want a piece of the action. This game he kept it down to 4-0 given that the goals all came in the 1st 8 minutes. The focus was passing......
A week later and Grandma and Grandad visited for the week end no soccer for Boo Boo but Bambeano brought out the goods and scored a hat trick for Grandma next onto Bombshell's game and he played well despite a bad back. Sunday we just hung out until late afternoon and then went to a baseball game, a first for Bambeano. With his glove in place he was ready to catch some balls but unfortunately for him Boo boo's goal keeping skills into play and she won the foul ball.....oh boy we did not have a very happy teddy bear....fortunately for us another one came our way and Bambeano was hot on it now we had 2 happy campers with 2 foul balls
Boo Boo continues to excel both at soccer and school. EOG's ended up stretching to 3 days....The first day Boo Boo was throwing up at 2am in the morning. Bombshell thinking it was just nerves sent her to school but of course less than an hour later I got the phone call and had to pick her up. She spent the rest of the day sleeping on the sofa, Boo Boo being Boo bounced back the next day and hit her EOG's out the park and then made up her missed one the day after that now onto soccer try outs, this girl is busy.
Try outs were successful and she has secured herself a spot on the U11 Elite team. She did at first want to still be with her friends and play U12 as she played up last year but the director and her goal keeper coach said it would be a good time to put her with her age now because in the next few years she would not be able to play up. and her growth and development would be instrumental now, she seems to have a good solid team and her coach is the technical director at her club pretty excited for the new season to start in August.
With soccer season over for Boo Boo she got to take part in her chorus performance at one of the local malls. They sung one of Boo Boo's favorite, Stereo Hearts. The kids do great singing and their music teacher is adored by them all. Great job Mr Barnaba Boo Boo has loved chorus and is eager for next year to try out.....This is by far my favorite from the chorus
After the mall singing we had to rush back to catch Bambeano's soccer game and this one I got on camera with video and boy am I glad I did some great passing and goals by the team....It has been a little frustrating for Bombshell I think pulling the kids back but this team is all goal hungry and with Bambeano back on the field they all want a piece of the action. This game he kept it down to 4-0 given that the goals all came in the 1st 8 minutes. The focus was passing......
A week later and Grandma and Grandad visited for the week end no soccer for Boo Boo but Bambeano brought out the goods and scored a hat trick for Grandma next onto Bombshell's game and he played well despite a bad back. Sunday we just hung out until late afternoon and then went to a baseball game, a first for Bambeano. With his glove in place he was ready to catch some balls but unfortunately for him Boo boo's goal keeping skills into play and she won the foul ball.....oh boy we did not have a very happy teddy bear....fortunately for us another one came our way and Bambeano was hot on it now we had 2 happy campers with 2 foul balls

At the end of the game the kids had the opportunity to run the bases and they were pretty excited....all in all a great day out just chilling in the sun and experiencing one of America's sport....
Now onto next week with some pool time and Bambeano's last soccer game of the regular season before tournament time.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Soccer fun and singing
This past week end saw the last of the long road trips for Boo Boo's soccer games. Hickory was the chosen place with her team playing in the Galaxy Shootout in the U11 Girls bracket. 2 games on Saturday followed by a possible semi final at 8am on Sunday or if we won both games moving on to 11am finals.
To be safe and to avoid an early wake up call I opted to book a hotel room just in case, thankfully the CSA Cabarrus girls did good winning both games, the first game 8-1 with Boo Boo getting some play time and following in her brother's foot steps scored a goal.....yes you read right she was put up as striker and boy did see hustle....Way to go Boo Boo, we are so proud of you.
On to game 2 and this was going to be a harder game....the girls did great winning 9-5.....great result meant no overnight hotel needed so off as we made our way back home to Bambeano and Bombshell. Bombshell was playing his soccer game so we stopped by and caught that game after a hard battle he still lost, so with Bambeano not playing due to the ankle in the boot his team also lost...so Boo Boo was the only winner for the Bowdens this week end.
Sunday morning we all left to go watch Boo Boo's final game and the trip was eventful to say the least. Boo Boo had the luxury of sitting in the front while I kept Bambeano company in the back and boy did Boo Boo have fun. Bombshell was bopping and rapping with Boo Boo capturing all the fun on her iTouch, after watching it back Bambeano and I were crying with laughter, what a great way to get pumped for Boo Boo's final.
We arrived and the weather was definitely opposite of the previous day, hot, hot, hot. And we were off. We were playing the same team we played the previous day in which the score was 9-5. The question was going to be who wanted it more.......
It was close to start to off but we pulled away and came away with a 9-0 win, complete shut out by Boo Boo she had a phenomenal game probably her best ever...and then we came away with the win...CHAMPIONS U11 Girls Galaxy Shootout!!!!!
Congratulations Boo Boo and CSA Cabarrus Elite
To be safe and to avoid an early wake up call I opted to book a hotel room just in case, thankfully the CSA Cabarrus girls did good winning both games, the first game 8-1 with Boo Boo getting some play time and following in her brother's foot steps scored a goal.....yes you read right she was put up as striker and boy did see hustle....Way to go Boo Boo, we are so proud of you.
On to game 2 and this was going to be a harder game....the girls did great winning 9-5.....great result meant no overnight hotel needed so off as we made our way back home to Bambeano and Bombshell. Bombshell was playing his soccer game so we stopped by and caught that game after a hard battle he still lost, so with Bambeano not playing due to the ankle in the boot his team also lost...so Boo Boo was the only winner for the Bowdens this week end.
Sunday morning we all left to go watch Boo Boo's final game and the trip was eventful to say the least. Boo Boo had the luxury of sitting in the front while I kept Bambeano company in the back and boy did Boo Boo have fun. Bombshell was bopping and rapping with Boo Boo capturing all the fun on her iTouch, after watching it back Bambeano and I were crying with laughter, what a great way to get pumped for Boo Boo's final.
We arrived and the weather was definitely opposite of the previous day, hot, hot, hot. And we were off. We were playing the same team we played the previous day in which the score was 9-5. The question was going to be who wanted it more.......
It was close to start to off but we pulled away and came away with a 9-0 win, complete shut out by Boo Boo she had a phenomenal game probably her best ever...and then we came away with the win...CHAMPIONS U11 Girls Galaxy Shootout!!!!!
Congratulations Boo Boo and CSA Cabarrus Elite
Monday, April 23, 2012
A broken arm and wrist is just not enough........
This week end saw split duties on the soccer front in the Bowden household. Bambeano was in his 2nd week playing as bubble boy while Boo Boo and I had a 2 hr trek to Boone for her game. Of course life wouldn't be easy on us to allow for an overnight stay we had to drive the 2hrs back to be back for another game on Sunday........
During Boo Boo's game I was getting regular text updates from Bambeno's game. The kid is unstoppable with another 4 goals to his tally and not forgetting the one he scored for the other team to make 5 in one game......Don't fret it was not an own goal but in fact Bombshell offered Bambeano to the other team as they did not have enough players.....Now if that doesn't shut all the nay sayers up then I don't know what will.....
So after hearing the great display of play from Bombshell's team I put my focus back to photographing for Boo Boo's game. The game started of quite bad with the box getting crowded and Boo Boo not taking control....this is one thing we need to work with her on as she is the controller of the box and if she can't see she needs to shout at her team....I'm not surprised she couldn't see the box was filled with about 6 of her team mates and that wasn't even counting the other team.....so we were down 1-0. Well I think something must have snapped in Boo Boo because she came back with her head in the game...... Here she is coming out and controlling a corner

With thundering going off all round us and rain showers on and off it was making for an interesting game.....with the score at 6-2 and 6 minutes to go the refs called for lightening. We were on an 18 minutes delay....seriously with 6 minutes to go.....As we sat in the cars waiting the downpour came with no sun or break in the clouds. So at this point we got word from both team coaches the games was called......Now for the LOOOOONG drive home.
We end up at some great friends for dinner and all the kids seem to be happily playing and having fun...Roll onto to Sunday morning and Bambeano complains that his foot hurts, thinking he must have just slept on it funny I brush it off as "pins and needles" and tell him he needs to get up so we can go and pick Boo Boo up (she spent the night) but he continues to complain of his foot and refuses to put his shoe on....now I am starting to question whether I should take him to Urgent care (of course not the same place as where we went for his arm)
So after a 40 minute trip to Urgent care we come away with possibly sprained ligaments or a fracture at the growth plate.....now in a boot until May 2. I am pretty sure DSS will be knocking on my door in the distant future....So for now Bambeano's soccer days are over. Here's hoping May 2 brings some good news for a change and he only has sprained ligaments :)
During Boo Boo's game I was getting regular text updates from Bambeno's game. The kid is unstoppable with another 4 goals to his tally and not forgetting the one he scored for the other team to make 5 in one game......Don't fret it was not an own goal but in fact Bombshell offered Bambeano to the other team as they did not have enough players.....Now if that doesn't shut all the nay sayers up then I don't know what will.....
So after hearing the great display of play from Bombshell's team I put my focus back to photographing for Boo Boo's game. The game started of quite bad with the box getting crowded and Boo Boo not taking control....this is one thing we need to work with her on as she is the controller of the box and if she can't see she needs to shout at her team....I'm not surprised she couldn't see the box was filled with about 6 of her team mates and that wasn't even counting the other team.....so we were down 1-0. Well I think something must have snapped in Boo Boo because she came back with her head in the game...... Here she is coming out and controlling a corner
With thundering going off all round us and rain showers on and off it was making for an interesting game.....with the score at 6-2 and 6 minutes to go the refs called for lightening. We were on an 18 minutes delay....seriously with 6 minutes to go.....As we sat in the cars waiting the downpour came with no sun or break in the clouds. So at this point we got word from both team coaches the games was called......Now for the LOOOOONG drive home.
We end up at some great friends for dinner and all the kids seem to be happily playing and having fun...Roll onto to Sunday morning and Bambeano complains that his foot hurts, thinking he must have just slept on it funny I brush it off as "pins and needles" and tell him he needs to get up so we can go and pick Boo Boo up (she spent the night) but he continues to complain of his foot and refuses to put his shoe on....now I am starting to question whether I should take him to Urgent care (of course not the same place as where we went for his arm)
So after a 40 minute trip to Urgent care we come away with possibly sprained ligaments or a fracture at the growth plate.....now in a boot until May 2. I am pretty sure DSS will be knocking on my door in the distant future....So for now Bambeano's soccer days are over. Here's hoping May 2 brings some good news for a change and he only has sprained ligaments :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Broken arm....no problem.....
After an eventful trip last week Bambeano has been in his cast just over a week and don't think that has stopped him.
Bambeano has excitedly received many signatures so his cast has gone from a bright green color to more of a dirty shade with all the sharpie signatures, comments and of course not to forget the dirt.
Soccer Saturday came and both kids were local, thank goodness, onto Boo Boo's game and oh boy you could tell the girls had been on spring break, their head was definitely not in the game and so we suffered our 1st loss of the season.
Off to Bambeano's, but oh before I forget, if it was not bad enough he was playing soccer with a cast, more to come on that later, I realize it was PICTURE DAY, yippee a soccer picture with a bright green cast, memorable one for sure.....
Pictures over and we settle to watch the game before ours and the referee comes over to talk to us, he has taken a shine to Bambeano telling us he loves to watch him play, and see the cast. We tell him he will become bubble boy in less than an hour and we laugh and joke, he shares his story of his broken arm from playing soccer that was so gruesome his bone came right through his skin.......ugh. He then goes on to tell Bambeano he liked his bone just like you do with ribs, Bambeano's face was PRICELESS
With the bubble wrap and tape out the wrapping begins. With Bambeano having an "L" cast it was imperative we had to wrap him good to protective the other kids from getting hurt more that protecting him.
He didn't like it he said it made him "all sweaty" in his words but he was a trooper and stuck with it as he knew it was the only way he could play.....and boy did he play....no sooner was he on the pitch he scores twice, one with his left foot (not his natural foot of course) that got past the keeper but his second goal was a corker, hitting hit on a half volley from the left side to hit into the far right side netting, what a FANTASTIC goal......the boy is unstoppable even with a cast, so another win under Coach Bombshell's belt and another 2 goals to Bambeano's tally...that is 7 so far this season
Bambeano has excitedly received many signatures so his cast has gone from a bright green color to more of a dirty shade with all the sharpie signatures, comments and of course not to forget the dirt.
Soccer Saturday came and both kids were local, thank goodness, onto Boo Boo's game and oh boy you could tell the girls had been on spring break, their head was definitely not in the game and so we suffered our 1st loss of the season.
Off to Bambeano's, but oh before I forget, if it was not bad enough he was playing soccer with a cast, more to come on that later, I realize it was PICTURE DAY, yippee a soccer picture with a bright green cast, memorable one for sure.....
Pictures over and we settle to watch the game before ours and the referee comes over to talk to us, he has taken a shine to Bambeano telling us he loves to watch him play, and see the cast. We tell him he will become bubble boy in less than an hour and we laugh and joke, he shares his story of his broken arm from playing soccer that was so gruesome his bone came right through his skin.......ugh. He then goes on to tell Bambeano he liked his bone just like you do with ribs, Bambeano's face was PRICELESS
With the bubble wrap and tape out the wrapping begins. With Bambeano having an "L" cast it was imperative we had to wrap him good to protective the other kids from getting hurt more that protecting him.
He didn't like it he said it made him "all sweaty" in his words but he was a trooper and stuck with it as he knew it was the only way he could play.....and boy did he play....no sooner was he on the pitch he scores twice, one with his left foot (not his natural foot of course) that got past the keeper but his second goal was a corker, hitting hit on a half volley from the left side to hit into the far right side netting, what a FANTASTIC goal......the boy is unstoppable even with a cast, so another win under Coach Bombshell's belt and another 2 goals to Bambeano's tally...that is 7 so far this season
Friday, April 13, 2012
Our first break.....make that two!!!!
After a nice Easter Sunday trip to the Zoo our week started off quite quiet so I thought based on the past 3 Spring Breaks we have been away. Bombshell had Monday off at home with the kids but I has to return to work.
Upon returning home I see Bambeano sitting on the drive way holding his arm. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he broke his arm falling 2ft. My first thought was why hadn't Bombshell called me, why wasn't he checked out, a quick glance over at Bombshell revealed that maybe Bambeano was milking Mummy for all she is worth.....I mean who can deny the sweet smile
So I asked Bombshell what had happened and he told me Bambeano fell off the swing tower at our neighbors but he was fine, I was horrified he hadn't been taken to the Dr but after speaking with my neighbors and learning he was playing the Xbox after it happened I thought how serious could it be......
Roll forward 2 hours and now it was about 7.30pm and I asked both kids to go and get ready for bed, Bambeano appeared to get up from his chair and used his arms for support, I watched intensely thinking so much for a sore arm and before I could finish my thought Bambeano collapsed in a heap and screamed in pain, that was enough of a sign he needed to go to Urgent Care.
I thought given it was a suspected broken arm I should take him to the local orthopedic urgent care but that was 15 minutes away and there was an urgent care right by the house that I knew had xray equipment do I opted for there. BAD MISTAKE....the place was heaving (translation to my US readers BUSY)
So finally at 8.40pm (20 minutes before they closed no less) they finally call us back. 2 quick xrays of the wrist (no elbow shot but two of the same shot) and another side view they gave us a clean bill of health and sent us home with a brace and sling and the verdict - SPRAIN.

Tuesday another day home with Bombshell and Bambeano is running around with the neighbors, thank goodness for that.......SO I THOUGHT
Wednesday morning both Bombshell and I had to be at work, Bombshell was stating his arm hurt and was crying, it did seem a little swollen but we had confirmation it was just a sprain, right!!!!!
So a shot of Motrin and I sent him on his way to camp......I got to work and something told my gut that I should take him to his Dr but I thought I may be seen as one of the neurotic mothers who thought their child should see every Dr in the world. After some great advice at work I called his Dr's office to speak to a nurse to tell her my concerns and see what they thought I should do. They were very quick to note he should be seen immediately, a child with a sprain does not have pain intensify nor does swelling suddenly appear. So I left work pondering my 30 minute drive home that I doubted my baby that he was hurt then trying to convince myself the xrays showed nothing.....
We get to his Dr office and after a short wait she looked at him and asked where it hurt, he stated his wrist and elbow, I was quite bewildered that he could be hurt in two spots with nothing between but the Dr obviously wasn't. She asked him to rotate his arm, palm up and palm down, he winced and stated he couldn't do it as it hurt too much.
She immediately turned to me and told me it was far more serious than a sprain and we had to go to the Orthopedics (y'know the place I wanted to go on Monday but talked myself out of it as it was further away) So off we went to the one near Bombshell's work as they had a pediatric wing. After a very short wait we were called back. I again described what happened and they asked if elbow xrays were taken. When I responded no they said they would take fresh xrays anyway instead of asking for the ones from Monday. We had 2 taken, full arm bent and then full arm rotated, poor buddy was in so much pain I had to fashion the lovely heavy apron so I could stay with him while the Xray was taken.
We were taken back to our room and literally 10 minutes later the Dr came in to tell me there was a break, not one but two!!!!!! The computer screen came on and I saw his xrays in all their glory. As I started to fight back the tears I clearly saw the break at his wrist and the other at his elbow on his radius which is why he couldn't rotate his arm. I was so upset that I doubted him and his pain and the fact I made him go to camp, poor buddy.
The Dr proceeded to tell me he would be in a cast, the "L" cast as I like to call it, Bambeano got to choose the color, pay close attention to the coordination of the shoes (See below), and he even got a cast for his puppy. The Dr told me not to worry everything would be fine, I mouthed to her (as I didn't want Bambeano hear or see) that I didn't believe him :(
So you remember our fateful record trips in 2010 of busy ER, Urgent Care trips, this might be the start of 2012, here's hoping NOT!!!!!!!
Upon returning home I see Bambeano sitting on the drive way holding his arm. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he broke his arm falling 2ft. My first thought was why hadn't Bombshell called me, why wasn't he checked out, a quick glance over at Bombshell revealed that maybe Bambeano was milking Mummy for all she is worth.....I mean who can deny the sweet smile
So I asked Bombshell what had happened and he told me Bambeano fell off the swing tower at our neighbors but he was fine, I was horrified he hadn't been taken to the Dr but after speaking with my neighbors and learning he was playing the Xbox after it happened I thought how serious could it be......
Roll forward 2 hours and now it was about 7.30pm and I asked both kids to go and get ready for bed, Bambeano appeared to get up from his chair and used his arms for support, I watched intensely thinking so much for a sore arm and before I could finish my thought Bambeano collapsed in a heap and screamed in pain, that was enough of a sign he needed to go to Urgent Care.
I thought given it was a suspected broken arm I should take him to the local orthopedic urgent care but that was 15 minutes away and there was an urgent care right by the house that I knew had xray equipment do I opted for there. BAD MISTAKE....the place was heaving (translation to my US readers BUSY)
So finally at 8.40pm (20 minutes before they closed no less) they finally call us back. 2 quick xrays of the wrist (no elbow shot but two of the same shot) and another side view they gave us a clean bill of health and sent us home with a brace and sling and the verdict - SPRAIN.

Tuesday another day home with Bombshell and Bambeano is running around with the neighbors, thank goodness for that.......SO I THOUGHT
Wednesday morning both Bombshell and I had to be at work, Bombshell was stating his arm hurt and was crying, it did seem a little swollen but we had confirmation it was just a sprain, right!!!!!
So a shot of Motrin and I sent him on his way to camp......I got to work and something told my gut that I should take him to his Dr but I thought I may be seen as one of the neurotic mothers who thought their child should see every Dr in the world. After some great advice at work I called his Dr's office to speak to a nurse to tell her my concerns and see what they thought I should do. They were very quick to note he should be seen immediately, a child with a sprain does not have pain intensify nor does swelling suddenly appear. So I left work pondering my 30 minute drive home that I doubted my baby that he was hurt then trying to convince myself the xrays showed nothing.....
We get to his Dr office and after a short wait she looked at him and asked where it hurt, he stated his wrist and elbow, I was quite bewildered that he could be hurt in two spots with nothing between but the Dr obviously wasn't. She asked him to rotate his arm, palm up and palm down, he winced and stated he couldn't do it as it hurt too much.
She immediately turned to me and told me it was far more serious than a sprain and we had to go to the Orthopedics (y'know the place I wanted to go on Monday but talked myself out of it as it was further away) So off we went to the one near Bombshell's work as they had a pediatric wing. After a very short wait we were called back. I again described what happened and they asked if elbow xrays were taken. When I responded no they said they would take fresh xrays anyway instead of asking for the ones from Monday. We had 2 taken, full arm bent and then full arm rotated, poor buddy was in so much pain I had to fashion the lovely heavy apron so I could stay with him while the Xray was taken.
We were taken back to our room and literally 10 minutes later the Dr came in to tell me there was a break, not one but two!!!!!! The computer screen came on and I saw his xrays in all their glory. As I started to fight back the tears I clearly saw the break at his wrist and the other at his elbow on his radius which is why he couldn't rotate his arm. I was so upset that I doubted him and his pain and the fact I made him go to camp, poor buddy.
The Dr proceeded to tell me he would be in a cast, the "L" cast as I like to call it, Bambeano got to choose the color, pay close attention to the coordination of the shoes (See below), and he even got a cast for his puppy. The Dr told me not to worry everything would be fine, I mouthed to her (as I didn't want Bambeano hear or see) that I didn't believe him :(
So you remember our fateful record trips in 2010 of busy ER, Urgent Care trips, this might be the start of 2012, here's hoping NOT!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
A comb, Bald patch and a goal
The week has flown past super fast with work, school and soccer practice...although I may blink and miss it I don't mind as it gets me a little closer to our 3 week trip to England in the Summer which I am VERY excited about.....
So after a busy week of practices which created havoc with my allergies we quickly reached Friday.....the week end was sure to be busy with back to back games for the kiddos, thanks to the help of some great friends I felt a little better with managing the week end.
Of course we couldn't start the week end without some drama. Boo Boo was watching a movie at school and decided to play around, I mean, comb her hair. However, she managed to tangle the hair round and round and round her bangs, so much I received a phone call at work to tell me of the predicament, even the teacher couldn't untangle. Oh boy what was I coming home to....I managed to get some remedies from some people in work that included coating her hair in Vegetable oil, but no it wouldn't be that simple would it, of course not, Boo Boo was left in an office as she couldn't partake in PE with a comb dangling from her bangs. Note to teachers, never leave a determined, patient 10 year old on her own to ponder about what she had done......She managed to yank the comb out of her hair with a HUGE clump of hair with it........Another phone call from school left me wondering what I was coming home to.......Thankfully not as bad as I was envisaging......
Soccer Saturday arrived but so did the rain :( Thankfully no games were canceled, so with Bombshell on rotation it was up early to take Bambeano over to our friends where he was super excited for Brian's pancakes and to hang out with his favorite ladies :) and I was off to take Boo Boo to her game against North Meck, what a game it was, we won 4-2 and Boo Boo's team continues their unbeaten run and are top of their league after wrapping up it was a race against time to get back for Bambeano's game.
Rushed back to learn his team were up 1-0 and of course I missed his goal, the parents told me it was a good goal, must have been all those pancakes Brian filled him up on. So I turned photographer for the team and took pictures while cheering on Bambeano oh and not forgetting the multiple phone calls from Bombshell who wanted to know how his team was doing.....Proud to say the 5 kids that scored last week all scored again this week with a 5-1 win Bambeano starts his season unbeaten.
So proud of my kiddos. Bombshell rounded of the day with a 9-2 win for his team so all in all a great week end
So after a busy week of practices which created havoc with my allergies we quickly reached Friday.....the week end was sure to be busy with back to back games for the kiddos, thanks to the help of some great friends I felt a little better with managing the week end.
Of course we couldn't start the week end without some drama. Boo Boo was watching a movie at school and decided to play around, I mean, comb her hair. However, she managed to tangle the hair round and round and round her bangs, so much I received a phone call at work to tell me of the predicament, even the teacher couldn't untangle. Oh boy what was I coming home to....I managed to get some remedies from some people in work that included coating her hair in Vegetable oil, but no it wouldn't be that simple would it, of course not, Boo Boo was left in an office as she couldn't partake in PE with a comb dangling from her bangs. Note to teachers, never leave a determined, patient 10 year old on her own to ponder about what she had done......She managed to yank the comb out of her hair with a HUGE clump of hair with it........Another phone call from school left me wondering what I was coming home to.......Thankfully not as bad as I was envisaging......
Soccer Saturday arrived but so did the rain :( Thankfully no games were canceled, so with Bombshell on rotation it was up early to take Bambeano over to our friends where he was super excited for Brian's pancakes and to hang out with his favorite ladies :) and I was off to take Boo Boo to her game against North Meck, what a game it was, we won 4-2 and Boo Boo's team continues their unbeaten run and are top of their league after wrapping up it was a race against time to get back for Bambeano's game.
Rushed back to learn his team were up 1-0 and of course I missed his goal, the parents told me it was a good goal, must have been all those pancakes Brian filled him up on. So I turned photographer for the team and took pictures while cheering on Bambeano oh and not forgetting the multiple phone calls from Bombshell who wanted to know how his team was doing.....Proud to say the 5 kids that scored last week all scored again this week with a 5-1 win Bambeano starts his season unbeaten.
So proud of my kiddos. Bombshell rounded of the day with a 9-2 win for his team so all in all a great week end
Friday, March 23, 2012
Let the Craziness begin.......
Wow what a whirlwind few weeks........... Soccer for Boo Boo, a flood at the house, an awesome mountain trip with some great friends, basketball ends for Bambeano and so now it begins.......SOCCER SATURDAY BOWDEN STYLE....
So as you have read the Bowdens have been busy and I know I said I would promise to update with the mountain trip but with the flood and kids activities life escaped me....maybe again as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" only our was "What happens in the Mountains stays in the Mountains" especially given the fun, hot tub, tubing in sideways snow falling, amount of alcohol consumed and not forgetting waking up to being snowed in.......
So since the trip we have come back to a huge bump of reality, busy work weeks filled with soccer practice and week ends filled with kids activities and house repairs from the flood. Bombshell has been a tad handy in that department and after receiving the insurance pay out has taken is hand to making some repairs himself. Namely repairing the roof of the garage, which looks great I might add. the carpet has been repaired and new padding installed, now it is just waiting for the new vanity cabinet that was ordered and Bombshell will make himself useful in the bathroom.
Kids are doing great in school so much that we have booked flights for England for me and the kids for a good long 3 week break that will include a trip over to my uncle's house in Ireland which I am really looking forward to. The kids have never been so it will be great to show them areas that I grew up around. The last time I visited was a year after Bombshell and I were married in 2001 so it is a well over due visit.
So last week was the official opening week end for Bambeano and his soccer, He has been itching to get out on the field even more so since Boo Boo has been playing since the end of January. The first game was going to be an interesting one....a new division devised to try and eliminate the oh so young 4 year olds playing against the giant looking nearly 7 year olds. We decided to leave Bambeano in the newly created Under 7 because despite his skill level (with 18 goals last year and 21 last season) it would be a big adjustment for a 6 year old to play on a bigger field against some kids that were nearly 9 with kicks to match and that was the determining factor to keep him in his right age.
So Saturday came thick and fast, first up Bambeano, as Boo Boo's game was on a Sunday, nothing like to start Soccer for the Bowdens double doses. I was looking forward to the game as I felt it would be evenly matched with kids all being equal in age, boy was I wrong. You can tell a difference when a team has been together for a while. Bombshell was coaching 5 of his 8 kids for the 3rd or 4th time so needless to say the kids knew how each other played. So off was Bambeano for a run, as the pictures show
"he is in the wrong league"
"WHAT are you telling me he is 7"...."We need to say something they are cheating"
"Well he can play an age up and that is what they should have done"
"Yeah why wouldn't you play up guess they want all the trophies and winning"
OH NO YOU DIDN'T....this was my breaking point. I turned around and told them, in a nice manner of course, that they were talking about my son and he is 6 and rightfully in the league he needs to be......after a few stammering words he responded and said he could go up early to the older group in which I responded that due to the size of the 7/8 kids and the length of the field I would leave my son in the 6 year old league and I was in my right to do so.....after a few more stammering of words and a fake apology I shut him up....
Well Bombshell had a tough job to pull Bambeano back, no one likes to rail road other teams especially at 6 years old so off Bambeano went to defense, he was a trooper about it though and made me very proud listening to daddy coach. So up 2-0 would be a good start to the season but oh know it would seem all the kids on our team wanted a piece of the action, one of the boys, who scored once last season, seemed possessed by Bambeano's runs and decided he would be the NEW Bambeano, this followed up by 2 from Bambeano's best buddy I might add and Valentine :) and then her sister got one and one of the new girls on the team finished it off for a 8-0 win. WAY TO GO!!!!!!
Next onto Sunday and Boo Boo's turn. Now the ride there was not pleasant running late which is a pet peeve for me I will be early for EVERYTHING rather than risk being late so Boo Boo was not in a good mood to start....We arrive and the game starts....now this is the same team we played last September where they had some hard kicks that landed Boo Boo in the ER, subsequently a rematch in which we won and she saved so now it was going to be interesting to see if they were after revenge. The game started hard but we came out top first with 2 quick goals that saw the other team mentality begin to lose their focus......Boo Boo probably had her best game yet, maybe it was the bad mood she was in or the fact that her brother got off to a roaring start the day before, whatever it was I was very proud of both of them.......
So as you have read the Bowdens have been busy and I know I said I would promise to update with the mountain trip but with the flood and kids activities life escaped me....maybe again as the saying goes "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" only our was "What happens in the Mountains stays in the Mountains" especially given the fun, hot tub, tubing in sideways snow falling, amount of alcohol consumed and not forgetting waking up to being snowed in.......
So since the trip we have come back to a huge bump of reality, busy work weeks filled with soccer practice and week ends filled with kids activities and house repairs from the flood. Bombshell has been a tad handy in that department and after receiving the insurance pay out has taken is hand to making some repairs himself. Namely repairing the roof of the garage, which looks great I might add. the carpet has been repaired and new padding installed, now it is just waiting for the new vanity cabinet that was ordered and Bombshell will make himself useful in the bathroom.
Kids are doing great in school so much that we have booked flights for England for me and the kids for a good long 3 week break that will include a trip over to my uncle's house in Ireland which I am really looking forward to. The kids have never been so it will be great to show them areas that I grew up around. The last time I visited was a year after Bombshell and I were married in 2001 so it is a well over due visit.
So last week was the official opening week end for Bambeano and his soccer, He has been itching to get out on the field even more so since Boo Boo has been playing since the end of January. The first game was going to be an interesting one....a new division devised to try and eliminate the oh so young 4 year olds playing against the giant looking nearly 7 year olds. We decided to leave Bambeano in the newly created Under 7 because despite his skill level (with 18 goals last year and 21 last season) it would be a big adjustment for a 6 year old to play on a bigger field against some kids that were nearly 9 with kicks to match and that was the determining factor to keep him in his right age.
So Saturday came thick and fast, first up Bambeano, as Boo Boo's game was on a Sunday, nothing like to start Soccer for the Bowdens double doses. I was looking forward to the game as I felt it would be evenly matched with kids all being equal in age, boy was I wrong. You can tell a difference when a team has been together for a while. Bombshell was coaching 5 of his 8 kids for the 3rd or 4th time so needless to say the kids knew how each other played. So off was Bambeano for a run, as the pictures show
Daddy watching on as Bombshell tackles 2 |
He breaks through |
Add he is off for his first goal of the season |
We got off to what i thought was a great start with Bambeano scoring twice for a 2-0 lead, then things got ugly on the side lines and Mama Bear unleashed.......a parent saw the great run that Bambeano did to then go on and score and made the comment that he was in the wrong league.....I kept quiet knowing each parent had their own opinion and it wasn't as though i wasn't used to it, parents had been saying it all last year even though he was 5 and 6, but some how it didn't stop there, not only were they talking loud enough for our parents to hear but they started with the ugly comments.....
"he is in the wrong league"
"WHAT are you telling me he is 7"...."We need to say something they are cheating"
"Well he can play an age up and that is what they should have done"
"Yeah why wouldn't you play up guess they want all the trophies and winning"
OH NO YOU DIDN'T....this was my breaking point. I turned around and told them, in a nice manner of course, that they were talking about my son and he is 6 and rightfully in the league he needs to be......after a few stammering words he responded and said he could go up early to the older group in which I responded that due to the size of the 7/8 kids and the length of the field I would leave my son in the 6 year old league and I was in my right to do so.....after a few more stammering of words and a fake apology I shut him up....
Well Bombshell had a tough job to pull Bambeano back, no one likes to rail road other teams especially at 6 years old so off Bambeano went to defense, he was a trooper about it though and made me very proud listening to daddy coach. So up 2-0 would be a good start to the season but oh know it would seem all the kids on our team wanted a piece of the action, one of the boys, who scored once last season, seemed possessed by Bambeano's runs and decided he would be the NEW Bambeano, this followed up by 2 from Bambeano's best buddy I might add and Valentine :) and then her sister got one and one of the new girls on the team finished it off for a 8-0 win. WAY TO GO!!!!!!
Next onto Sunday and Boo Boo's turn. Now the ride there was not pleasant running late which is a pet peeve for me I will be early for EVERYTHING rather than risk being late so Boo Boo was not in a good mood to start....We arrive and the game starts....now this is the same team we played last September where they had some hard kicks that landed Boo Boo in the ER, subsequently a rematch in which we won and she saved so now it was going to be interesting to see if they were after revenge. The game started hard but we came out top first with 2 quick goals that saw the other team mentality begin to lose their focus......Boo Boo probably had her best game yet, maybe it was the bad mood she was in or the fact that her brother got off to a roaring start the day before, whatever it was I was very proud of both of them.......
Great save |
One on One |
Pushes it wide for a corner |
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