About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I told you we blink and it would be Christmas........

Here we are and Christmas is over....what a busy few weeks we have had.....Christmas cards made from photos we took during our mountain road trip......this time at least Boo Boo was feeling better, thankfully....A Christmas concert from Bambeano, two Christmas parties at school and 2 weeks vacation for Mummy from work, phew....

So stuck for ideas for Christmas cards Bombshell suggested another trip to the mountains to take some pictures, I love Bombshell and his impromptu road trips, that is one of the things I love about him, I on the other hand have to plan vacations and road trips.... I think my new year resolution will be to bring back the family Sundays we tried out this year......

It was a tad cold in the mountains but no snow so a walk around Blowing Rock on a very quiet Sunday we managed to capture some great pictures...



Busy few days mailing gifts, Christmas cards and shopping, followed by a few days off to enjoy Bambeano's Christmas concert.  I was able to get a a prime seat for a full house to watch the Kindergarten Christmas concert and what a joy it was....lots of fun.

Busy Christmas party followed before a week end and then some days out of the office for me, allowing me to get a lot of things done before Santa's visit.

Another impromptu road trip from Bombshell included a visit to Christmas Town USA.  Bambeano had never been and Boo Boo was less than a year old when we last visited so it was a great suggestion on Christmas Eve for the kids to enjoy. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Basketball Season........

No sooner has soccer season finished and we jump into basketball season......

Bambeano is a fierce sportsman and can turn his hand at anything. 

So first game of the season and we put on his new outfit....but wait a minute I thought they wore basketball jerseys.....it turns out they may be wearing dresses this season......hmmm gotta figure out this one....... not only do we have a dress for a jersey but the shorts I got Bambeano are a tad too long.....judge for your self in the pictures.

So with Bombshell working this week end I had basketball duty to cheer on Bambeano, this kid was on fire it was like he never left the court.  Even his coach had to talk to him to turn it down on the celebrations :)

Now at this age they do not keep score, why I do not know, but they want to teach the kids the game, which to me seems a little bizarre as they need to know when the ball goes out the ball goes out, am I right or what?

So after about 7 or 8 baskets Bambeano had a fantastic game as did the rest of his team, out of 6 kids I think most if not all scored at least a basket.  This is going to be an interesting season


Takes a run down the right court


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Geez I'll blink and it will be Christmas........

Oh the joys of working, with kids, holidays and anything else you want to throw at me.

I feel like I have blinked and already we are only just over 2 weeks away from Christmas....ARGH I am not ready I need more time, maybe I will give up sleep and walk around like a zombie will that work.

The kids are busy with school and Boo Boo continues to amaze Bombshell and I with her academics.  She had to learn spelling words for Spelling Bee, y'know that spelling bee competition that is on TV that those can spell those amazing words, yeah that one, the one we hear words we have never heard before; well not really thinking it was a spelling bee competition but more a name her teacher put to learning spelling words for a test BOY WAS I MISTAKEN......

Boo Boo was taking part in an actual spelling bee and having to compete against her fellow 25 class mates.  Here is the run by run play described by Boo Boo in typical Boo Boo fashion (highlighted in red)......

Running to great me at after school a very excitedly Boo Boo came running up to me.....

"Mummy, Mummy, I won the spelling bee"
"Wow that is great news"
"yeah Daddy told me I would get to go to DC"
while wondering what in the world Bombshell had promised her in order for her to do her test well
"What did Daddy say he would do?"
"If I get through all the rounds I get to go to DC"
This is when it finally dawned on me she was doing the spelling bee as in the TV challenge

"Mummy everyone got stuck on 'stellar' they all kept saying S-t-e-l-l-e-r and getting it wrong so when it got to me I was saying it is my head and thought S-t-e-l-l-a-r and so that is what I said and got it right and this wasn't even a word we had on our list to learn"
"Well done"
"Now it was down to 12 of us, then just me and Nicky" (I'll use this name because for the life of me I cannot remember who it was)
"When it was down to me and Nicky we had to spell 'wriggle', Nicky went first and spelt r-i-g-g-l-e and got it wrong so I thought maybe it is like 'write' and has a silent 'w' so I spelt w-r-i-g-g-l-e and got it right"

Bambeano is doing well in his own right but this post belongs to our ROCK STAR BOO BOO.....