During Boo Boo's game I was getting regular text updates from Bambeno's game. The kid is unstoppable with another 4 goals to his tally and not forgetting the one he scored for the other team to make 5 in one game......Don't fret it was not an own goal but in fact Bombshell offered Bambeano to the other team as they did not have enough players.....Now if that doesn't shut all the nay sayers up then I don't know what will.....
So after hearing the great display of play from Bombshell's team I put my focus back to photographing for Boo Boo's game. The game started of quite bad with the box getting crowded and Boo Boo not taking control....this is one thing we need to work with her on as she is the controller of the box and if she can't see she needs to shout at her team....I'm not surprised she couldn't see the box was filled with about 6 of her team mates and that wasn't even counting the other team.....so we were down 1-0. Well I think something must have snapped in Boo Boo because she came back with her head in the game...... Here she is coming out and controlling a corner
With thundering going off all round us and rain showers on and off it was making for an interesting game.....with the score at 6-2 and 6 minutes to go the refs called for lightening. We were on an 18 minutes delay....seriously with 6 minutes to go.....As we sat in the cars waiting the downpour came with no sun or break in the clouds. So at this point we got word from both team coaches the games was called......Now for the LOOOOONG drive home.
We end up at some great friends for dinner and all the kids seem to be happily playing and having fun...Roll onto to Sunday morning and Bambeano complains that his foot hurts, thinking he must have just slept on it funny I brush it off as "pins and needles" and tell him he needs to get up so we can go and pick Boo Boo up (she spent the night) but he continues to complain of his foot and refuses to put his shoe on....now I am starting to question whether I should take him to Urgent care (of course not the same place as where we went for his arm)
So after a 40 minute trip to Urgent care we come away with possibly sprained ligaments or a fracture at the growth plate.....now in a boot until May 2. I am pretty sure DSS will be knocking on my door in the distant future....So for now Bambeano's soccer days are over. Here's hoping May 2 brings some good news for a change and he only has sprained ligaments :)
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