About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Is the week end over already.......

What a great week end. The weather was great and we spent a great time outdoors this week end.

Soccer has finally begun in the Bowden household. Papa Bowden is coaching 3 teams this year, pee wee 3-5, 5-6 team (Bambeano) and 7-8 (Boo Boo). Thankfully this week end it was just a soccer clinic. Papa and the kids left for the park while I had a few errands to run including Mother's Day mail.

I still cannot get used to Mother's day in Englandbeing in March and here (USA) in May. As silly as it may sound I buy my cards in May (Gotta have the mother's day wording) and save them till the following March. Trust me with old age and 2 kids it takes me a month of Sundays to remember where the heck I have placed the cards for "safe keeping", yep so safe I cannot even remember 10 months later.

So Marley got a little adventure to the park as well to enjoy the outdoors. He did great except for the few times he spotted another dog or ball and yanked me from my chair (I was too busy gossiping with some other mothers at the time), thankfully my wrist is still fulling intact.

Mummy and Papa enjoyed a belated anniversary date night and ventured to a new local Indian restaurant that had opened up. Let's just say I have found a new favourite place to eat it was yummy yummy. Happy 10th anniversary Papa

On to Sunday, we just chilled in the cul de sac until Mummy and Papa had their turn at soccer. Great time and the kids had some great friends to play with that kept them occupied. Papa Bowden had some great goals, a hat trick in fact, including a header and penalty, WAY TO GO PAPA. Unfortunately their was a price to pay for the hat trick, Papa is now in a lot of pain after hurting his back :(

After soccer we came back and chilled outside with the neighbors. We were even able to offload some toys of Boo Boo's that she had outgrown. One of the neighbors daughters eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the stroller, baby swing, baby dolls and all the other baby items. What a great feeling to see such a young innocent face light up :)

On to another week........

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great! I love the picture of Boo Boo and Bambeano on the porch at the beach. Sparkler loves the doll toys. She has literally not stopped playing with them all day! Many thanks.
