My oh my where does the time go. Here we are already Friday and a fun filled week end is fast approaching. so let me start by bringing you up to speed on last week end's festivities,
you already heard about Grandma & Grandad's visit and Soccer Saturday. Now on to our adventures at the Biltmore Estate visit that I promised.........
Up early on Sunday, camera charged, kids loaded up in the back and off we went on our way to Asheville. The ride didn't seem to long and as soon as we hit the foothills the collection of fall leave colors was amazing I just had to capture (of course while trying to do it through the speed at which Bombshell was driving)
We shortly arrived in Asheville and decided to walk around a bit as none of us had ventured into the downtown of Asheville. the weather was perfect, nice sunny day and temperatures warm and comfortable. After enjoying the sights of Asheville......
With no suitable lunch spot (all the good recommendations had over an hour wait) we decided to venture over to Biltmore Village. After finding a lunch spot to eat it was now time to enjoy the rest of the day at
Biltmore Estate
The kids were wowed by the long drive up especially with Bombshell stating how long the walk would be to pick up the mail and take the trash cans to the curb LOL you could see their little heads digesting that information and probably thinking how glad they were to only have a short walk to take the trash and recycle bins out at home :)
First stop was the house and while I remember the front I clearly didn't remember shuttle buses and no parking near. So I am sorry for the less than perfect picture, inside didn't disappoint they had started to decorate the house in all the Christmas decorations, I know, I know it is not even Halloween yet but it sure did get me in the spirit, should i mention Christmas is only
57 days
So after the house tour we planned our trip to the next stop, the Antler Village and more importantly WINE TASTING!!!!!!
So off Bombshell went with Bambeano to get the car while we stayed outside the front of the house, Now where is
Jeeves when you need him. Well quite frankly I think we have our own Jeeves judging by the pictures below

While we drove down to Antler Village we took in some great sights of the gardens and the colors of the fall foliage that taking pictures was hard not to pass up, just look at the coloring of these pictures it was breath taking.
First stop at Antler Village was an ice cream for Grandad. He was going to sit and enjoy the sunshine while the rest of us walked over to the farm and animals. While Grandma was getting the ice cream I took advantage of some great pictures of Boo Boo and Bambeano
So after leaving Grandad happy with his ice cream we walked off over to the farm house and farm animals. It was a nice pleasant walk and the kids were super excited to be outside. There was plenty to see and do. Bombshell and the kids trying the hat at some old games, pictures below tell a 1000 stories let's just say some of my pictures before editing were either blurry or crooked or both with all the laughing.
Well after busting a gut laughing we moved over to watch the blacksmith and then onto the animals.
Now onto Mummy's favorite part the WINERY while Bombshell got the kids ice cream. So back with Grandad the 3 of us made our way over to the winery, starting in the cellars before making our way to the tasting. 2 whole pages of wine tasting and no limit SIGN ME UP!!!!
Grandad started the party going by smashing a wine glass, now I am not sure if it was too much slosh or just not knowing his own strength when setting the glass down, my bet is the latter, so with that Grandad finished up and went into the store with Bombshell and Bambeano while Grandma and I carried on enjoying the tasting, can you tell......