About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bambeano's 1st day of school

Wow how time flies.......here we are for Bambeano's 1st day of school; with a school uniform mind you. Yep, you got it a rarity for American schools but Bambeano has a school uniform. it was our choice to hold him back as his birthday so close to the cut off this allowed us the luxury to send him to a local private school, Back Creek Christian Academy.

Bambeano seemed really excited but I turned into the neurotic mum. Lunch was packed the night before which included a special card for Bambeano to read during lunch from Mummy and Papa. Back pack check and name tag check.

So on to the neurotic side of me. I gave Bambeano a shower (which he hates having in the mornings) and dressed him in his underwear and robe for breakfast, if you think I was putting his uniform on before breakfast you obviously do not Bambeano and food (without a doubt some will get on his shirt or pants)

Success a freshly dressed nearly 5 year old (8 days to go till his birthday) and we are ready for this exciting day.

Next for pictures, see below, before Papa took BooBoo off to summer camp then we all met up at Bambeano's school...........HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY BAMBEANO I KNOW YOU WILL DO GREAT

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