About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is that a horse barking??????

Saturday was the annual Harrisburg July 4th Parade and Papa has made it his mission that we do the parade as a family. I guess not being an American matters to him……No seriously I think it is great that he is instilling a great American tradition to our beautiful American born children.

So the alarm sounds and Papa is off to stake his spot in the parade route with our chairs……. See I guess he has some European in him…….hmm I wonder if he has German in him? Y’know you’ve heard the story of the Germans and their towels, no, well that is a story for another day.

So BooBoo and Bambeano were less than thrilled at the prospect of getting up and out early to join Papa in the festivities, of course that was until I promised a Bojangles breakfast and reminded them of the 1000’s of candy that would be thrown at them…… Of we went to go join Papa. Thank fully this year was not as humid as previous years and it was great to see so many familiar faces from the soccer fields all out to enjoy the day. We had friends join us and we tucked in to breakfast while we waited for the floats to start…….

Now while we were waiting a Sheriff passed us on the other side of the road going towards the start of the parade.  In the bed of the truck was a dog crate with a police dog.  The tail gate was down with 2 Sheriff's sitting holding the reins of 2 horses trotting behind.  Now I guess Bambeano was too short to see the dog crate because he turned to Papa and I and stated "I didn't know horses could bark"  of course Papa and I knew it was in fact the dog in the crate but boy Bambeano was oh so innocent with his statement.  So as the parade started and the horses arrived in the parade we all gasped and told Bambeano, there are the barking horses and smiled to ourselves....we love you Bambeano with your great statements



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