About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Friday, June 18, 2010

World Cup duty a family torn.......

So the world cup is in full force and the family is torn on cheering for which side. Of course Papa and Mummy there is no contest we are English through and through but Boo Boo and Bambeano are US born and bred.

I feel a whole sense of Déjà vu when it comes to Bambeano, remembering Mummy cheering on Everton while Nannie was cheering on Tottenham when I was about 9 and there an Everton supporter was born.

We have the house all decked out in all it English glory and Bambeano will gleefully cheer on England but then he turns competitive and against mummy and wants USA to win USA USA USA is all the chants that come from the delightful 4 year old.

Oh boy this house is going to get a whole lot interesting. ENGLAND!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. After yesterdays donkey kong playing from England I think Mummy and Papa are defecting to cheer on the USA
