About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Forgive me for I have sinned......

I cannot believe I have been SO slack in keeping up with my blog.....no excuses I just suck...

Here I am with the first chapter of our 2013 adventures. ........We ended 2012 with some great family time.  My mum and Dad AKA Nannie and Grandad came for Christmas and I was again able to keep the visit a secret and boy was it a long enough secret....they booked in March.........

I so miss family get togethers one of my negative things about living Stateside........

Christmas was great and I LOVED having my parents here and I was able to make the most of it having over 2 weeks out of the office.  We hung out with our great friends and my parents got to watch one of Bambeano's games and of course he scored, TWICE!!!!

Santa was good to the kids and to Mummy, Bombshell spoilt me and this was after I got my main gift of new kitchen appliances, funny thing is I don't even do the cooking LOL.

Roll on to January and what a whirl wind month that was......Bombshell got his NSCAA (National Soccer Coaches Association of America) qualification but in return put his back out really bad...more to come on this.....We had two birthdays....mine and Boo Boo's how can she be 11 already and I am 1 year closer to the BIG 40!!!  We celebrated both birthdays with our favorite family (who I consider the closest I have to family stateside :)) and before I knew it we were onto February......

February saw the full on sought of nightly practices for Boo Boo ready for her soccer games but every time we got to the week end for a game mother nature had other plans, 3 games canceled hopefully today is the luck of the draw :)

Of course last February we had our 1st Bowden-Woodward Road Trip, followed by our 2nd Road Trip and what a huge success they were that we had to follow with a 3rd Road Trip to the mountains and boy this was AWESOME, the house, the company, the kids learning to ski and the food and drink......so much next year is on the cards and even maybe a summer trip.......the only down side was Bombshell's back being in such bad shape.....I feel so bad he was in so much pain......

To finish the month Bombshell went to a spine specialist and ended up have a minor procedure in his back that involved an injection to relieve some pain he has been experiencing and I had to be Nurse Wife for the day and week end after.

February also saw me visit Nashville, TN, while a quick business trip my boss was on hand to show me some sights as she grew up around the area...I had a blast loved the sights....definitely a place I would like to return too....

Well I think that is a quick snapshot of how my past few months have gone and I am now going to make week end mornings my day to reflect the week and write on my blog......


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