About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Where in the world is JoJo?

Hi everyone... the last few weeks, especially days have been a whirlwind....The holidays are coming thick and fast and we have been busy trying to get ready for Christmas and wrap up last minute things at school.

In the midst of this craziness we have had a visitor in the house, JoJo.  Our friendly Elf from Elf on the Shelf he came just after thanksgiving and has been delivering updates to Santa every night.  Every morning the kids look for where he ends up after coming back form the North Pole and boy has he been found in some crazy places doing crazy things....

He has been planking, playing board games, hanging in lights, having a sleepover and playing cards...I'm amazed Marley has not barked with all the noise going on....it will be sad to see him go on Christmas Eve but until then JoJo we hope you continue to have fun....

So I know I stated in my last post that I would have a longer blog and I tried but recent event in Newtown leaves me sad and confused that something so awful could happen to those darling angels.  May peace be with the families...my thoughts and prayers are with all the residents of Newtown