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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Soccer Saturday is back

With a blink of an eye we are in full mode of Soccer Saturdays......For now it is just Boo Boo and she starts off with a bang with a 3 game tournament hopefully progressing to the 4th game for the finals.

An early night Friday, Boo Boo's favorite NOT, for an early morning wake up call for our trip down to South Charlotte, about 40 minutes away or so.  With bags packed the night before it seemed a stress free morning or so I thought.

Rousing Boo Boo was like trying to start an earthquake, this girl will not move for ANYTHING, finally got her moving and boy was she grumpy, I could see this would be an interesting 1st game.  We get to the fields and had to park about a mile away (I know an exaggeration but it sure felt like it).  So with bags, camera and seat we made our way to the field.  Warm up was not impressive at all but y'know there has to be something said about Boo Boo and her warm ups.  If she has a bad warm up she tends to have a good game so here's hoping.

So 1st game up was FCCA and Boo Boo seems to have this thing about FCCA, they really have a love/hate relationship, more hate than anything, you remember the suspected dislocated jaw from a year back, right and then the comeback kid towards the end of the Fall 2011 season, well ever since then she is determined FCCA will never get the better of her...

So game on.....both teams came out to battle and given this was Boo Boo's 1st year with this new team it would be interesting to see how the girls jelled, boy did they gel.  Watching the play was great all the girls were passing the ball, Boo Boo was vocal as ever, this girl was on fire.  I know I am a proud mummy when it comes to the kids but this girl ROCKED it.  I have never seen her play as good as she did, complete SHUT OUT with some phenomenal saves we came away with a win 4-0 so I guess Boo Boo is keeping up with tradition in that bad warm ups = good games or in this instance GREAT GAMES!!!!!!

With a trip to subway for lunch it wasn't long before we were back at the fields for game #2.  We had called Bombshell during the break as he wasn't going to make the games on Saturday as he had a lot to do with Bambeano but I think with the excitement I told him about her 1st game he made it down to her game and she was pleasantly surprised.  I have this funny thing about Bombshell watching Boo Boo play, she has her best games when he is not there, funny that right.

So onto the 2nd game and this time it was Lake Norman, again another team Boo Boo has not had a favorable experience with them, in her words at the last game "mummy they even have boobies" so was there another opportunity for her to get her "pay back" as she likes to call it....well it didn't start off so good.  The refs called the game early before our coach even had an opportunity to be there (he had other teams at the same tournament) so the girls seemed a little on edge but they had some good attacks but the ball just would not go in the net, then from a goal kick the other team scored, having Boo Boo off guard but that was all the push she needed, that and her team.

They fired up the anti and came roaring back for a 7-1 win, now onto Sunday, another FCCA team and hopefully another win....but god had other plans.....

After waking up Sunday ready to get Boo Boo up for yet another early morning the storms rolled in accompanied with thunder and lightening, so here we were with a 2 hr delay and an opportunity for Boo Boo to sleep in a little but no sooner than that all games called off....so now what....a day completely free and an unknown of who would win, I wasn't sure but I thought it was based on points, 3 pts for a win and then if there was a draw it would be based on goals against, so a quick look at the standings we had 6 pts and 1 goal against, our rivals, yep you've guessed it FCCA, they had 6 pts but 6 goals against...

WE WON....1st tournament with a fairly new team and the girls did us proud all did a phenomenal job, now onto the regular season 9/9/12 not before Bambeano's games on 9/8/12

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