About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A broken arm and wrist is just not enough........

This week end saw split duties on the soccer front in the Bowden household.  Bambeano was in his 2nd week playing as bubble boy while Boo Boo and I had a 2 hr trek to Boone for her game.  Of course life wouldn't be easy on us to allow for an overnight stay we had to drive the 2hrs back to be back for another game on Sunday........

During Boo Boo's game I was getting regular text updates from Bambeno's game.  The kid is unstoppable with another 4 goals to his tally and not forgetting the one he scored for the other team to make 5 in one game......Don't fret it was not an own goal but in fact Bombshell offered Bambeano to the other team as they did not have enough players.....Now if that doesn't shut all the nay sayers up then I don't know what will.....

So after hearing the great display of play from Bombshell's team I put my focus back to photographing for Boo Boo's game.  The game started of quite bad with the box getting crowded and Boo Boo not taking control....this is one thing we need to work with her on as she is the controller of the box and if she can't see she needs to shout at her team....I'm not surprised she couldn't see the box was filled with about 6 of her team mates and that wasn't even counting the other team.....so we were down 1-0.  Well I think something must have snapped in Boo Boo because she came back with her head in the game......  Here she is coming out and controlling a corner


With thundering going off all round us and rain showers on and off it was making for an interesting game.....with the score at 6-2 and 6 minutes to go the refs called for lightening.  We were on an 18 minutes delay....seriously with 6 minutes to go.....As we sat in the cars waiting the downpour came with no sun or break in the clouds.  So at this point we got word from both team coaches the games was called......Now for the LOOOOONG drive home.

We end up at some great friends for dinner and all the kids seem to be happily playing and having fun...Roll onto to Sunday morning and Bambeano complains that his foot hurts, thinking he must have just slept on it funny I brush it off as "pins and needles" and tell him he needs to get up so we can go and pick Boo Boo up (she spent the night) but he continues to complain of his foot and refuses to put his shoe on....now I am starting to question whether I should take him to Urgent care (of course not the same place as where we went for his arm)

So after a 40 minute trip to Urgent care we come away with possibly sprained ligaments or a fracture at the growth plate.....now in a boot until May 2.  I am pretty sure DSS will be knocking on my door in the distant future....So for now Bambeano's soccer days are over.  Here's hoping May 2 brings some good news for a change and he only has sprained ligaments :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Broken arm....no problem.....

After an eventful trip last week Bambeano has been in his cast just over a week and don't think that has stopped him.

Bambeano has excitedly received many signatures so his cast has gone from a bright green color to more of a dirty shade with all the sharpie signatures, comments and of course not to forget the dirt.

Soccer Saturday came and both kids were local, thank goodness, onto Boo Boo's game and oh boy you could tell the girls had been on spring break, their head was definitely not in the game and so we suffered our 1st loss of the season. 

Off to Bambeano's, but oh before I forget, if it was not bad enough he was playing soccer with a cast, more to come on that later, I realize it was PICTURE DAY, yippee a soccer picture with a bright green cast, memorable one for sure.....

Pictures over and we settle to watch the game before ours and the referee comes over to talk to us, he has taken a shine to Bambeano telling us he loves to watch him play, and see the cast.  We tell him he will become bubble boy in less than an hour and we laugh and joke, he shares his story of his broken arm from playing soccer that was so gruesome his bone came right through his skin.......ugh.  He then goes on to tell Bambeano he liked his bone just like you do with ribs, Bambeano's face was PRICELESS

With the bubble wrap and tape out the wrapping begins.  With Bambeano having an "L" cast it was imperative we had to wrap him good to protective the other kids from getting hurt more that protecting him. 

He didn't like it he said it made him "all sweaty" in his words but he was a trooper and stuck with it as he knew it was the only way he could play.....and boy did he play....no sooner was he on the pitch he scores twice, one with his left foot (not his natural foot of course) that got past the keeper but his second goal was a corker, hitting hit on a half volley from the left side to hit into the far right side netting, what a FANTASTIC goal......the boy is unstoppable even with a cast, so another win under Coach Bombshell's belt and another 2 goals to Bambeano's tally...that is 7 so far this season

Friday, April 13, 2012

Our first break.....make that two!!!!

After a nice Easter Sunday trip to the Zoo our week started off quite quiet so I thought based on the past 3 Spring Breaks we have been away.  Bombshell had Monday off at home with the kids but I has to return to work.

Upon returning home I see Bambeano sitting on the drive way holding his arm.  I asked him what was wrong and he told me he broke his arm falling 2ft.  My first thought was why hadn't Bombshell called me, why wasn't he checked out, a quick glance over at Bombshell revealed that maybe Bambeano was milking Mummy for all she is worth.....I mean who can deny the sweet smile

So I asked Bombshell what had happened and he told me Bambeano fell off the swing tower at our neighbors but he was fine, I was horrified he hadn't been taken to the Dr but after speaking with my neighbors and learning he was playing the Xbox after it happened I thought how serious could it be......

Roll forward 2 hours and now it was about 7.30pm and I asked both kids to go and get ready for bed, Bambeano appeared to get up from his chair and used his arms for support, I watched intensely thinking so much for a sore arm and before I could finish my thought Bambeano collapsed in a heap and screamed in pain, that was enough of a sign he needed to go to Urgent Care.

I thought given it was a suspected broken arm I should take him to the local orthopedic urgent care but that was 15 minutes away and there was an urgent care right by the house that I knew had xray equipment do I opted for there.  BAD MISTAKE....the place was heaving (translation to my US readers BUSY)

So finally at 8.40pm (20 minutes before they closed no less) they finally call us back.  2 quick xrays of the wrist (no elbow shot but two of the same shot) and another side view they gave us a clean bill of health and sent us home with a brace and sling and the verdict - SPRAIN.


Tuesday another day home with Bombshell and Bambeano is running around with the neighbors, thank goodness for that.......SO I THOUGHT

Wednesday morning both Bombshell and I had to be at work, Bombshell was stating his arm hurt and was crying, it did seem a little swollen but we had confirmation it was just a sprain, right!!!!!

So a shot of Motrin and I sent him on his way to camp......I got to work and something told my gut that I should take him to his Dr but I thought I may be seen as one of the neurotic mothers who thought their child should see every Dr in the world.  After some great advice at work I called his Dr's office to speak to a nurse to tell her my concerns and see what they thought I should do.  They were very quick to note he should be seen immediately, a child with a sprain does not have pain intensify nor does swelling suddenly appear.  So I left work pondering my 30 minute drive home that I doubted my baby that he was hurt then trying to convince myself the xrays showed nothing.....

We get to his Dr office and after a short wait she looked at him and asked where it hurt, he stated his wrist and elbow, I was quite bewildered that he could be hurt in two spots with nothing between but the Dr obviously wasn't.  She asked him to rotate his arm, palm up and palm down, he winced and stated he couldn't do it as it hurt too much.

She immediately turned to me and told me it was far more serious than a sprain and we had to go to the Orthopedics (y'know the place I wanted to go on Monday but talked myself out of it as it was further away)  So off we went to the one near Bombshell's work as they had a pediatric wing.  After a very short wait we were called back.  I again described what happened and they asked if elbow xrays were taken.  When I responded no they said they would take fresh xrays anyway instead of asking for the ones from Monday.  We had 2 taken, full arm bent and then full arm rotated, poor buddy was in so much pain I had to fashion the lovely heavy apron so I could stay with him while the Xray was taken.

We were taken back to our room and literally 10 minutes later the Dr came in to tell me there was a break, not one but two!!!!!!  The computer screen came on and I saw his xrays in all their glory.  As I started to fight back the tears I clearly saw the break at his wrist and the other at his elbow on his radius which is why he couldn't rotate his arm.  I was so upset that I doubted him and his pain and the fact I made him go to camp, poor buddy.

The Dr proceeded to tell me he would be in a cast, the "L" cast as I like to call it, Bambeano got to choose the color, pay close attention to the coordination of the shoes (See below), and he even got a cast for his puppy.  The Dr told me not to worry everything would be fine, I mouthed to her (as I didn't want Bambeano hear or see) that I didn't believe him :(

So you remember our fateful record trips in 2010 of busy ER, Urgent Care trips, this might be the start of 2012, here's hoping NOT!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A comb, Bald patch and a goal

The week has flown past super fast with work, school and soccer practice...although I may blink and miss it I don't mind as it gets me a little closer to our 3 week trip to England in the Summer which I am VERY excited about.....

So after a busy week of practices which created havoc with my allergies we quickly reached Friday.....the week end was sure to be busy with back to back games for the kiddos, thanks to the help of some great friends I felt a little better with managing the week end. 

Of course we couldn't start the week end without some drama.  Boo Boo was watching a movie at school and decided to play around, I mean, comb her hair.  However, she managed to tangle the hair round and round and round her bangs, so much I received a phone call at work to tell me of the predicament, even the teacher couldn't untangle.   Oh boy what was I coming home to....I managed to get some remedies from some people in work that included coating her hair in Vegetable oil, but no it wouldn't be that simple would it, of course not, Boo Boo was left in an office as she couldn't partake in PE with a comb dangling from her bangs.  Note to teachers, never leave a determined, patient 10 year old on her own to ponder about what she had done......She managed to yank the comb out of her hair with a HUGE clump of hair with it........Another phone call from school left me wondering what I was coming home to.......Thankfully not as bad as I was envisaging......

Soccer Saturday arrived but so did the rain :( Thankfully no games were canceled, so with Bombshell on rotation it was up early to take Bambeano over to our friends where he was super excited for Brian's pancakes and to hang out with his favorite ladies :) and I was off to take Boo Boo to her game against North Meck, what a game it was, we won 4-2 and Boo Boo's team continues their unbeaten run and are top of their league after wrapping up it was a race against time to get back for Bambeano's game.

Rushed back to learn his team were up 1-0 and of course I missed his goal, the parents told me it was a good goal, must have been all those pancakes Brian filled him up on.  So I turned photographer for the team and took pictures while cheering on Bambeano oh and not forgetting the multiple phone calls from Bombshell who wanted to know how his team was doing.....Proud to say the 5 kids that scored last week all scored again this week with a 5-1 win Bambeano starts his season unbeaten.

So proud of my kiddos.   Bombshell rounded of the day with a 9-2 win for his team so all in all a great week end