About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How does god make babies

So today my daily morning school run was quite interesting I had to take a tip my neighbor gave me, remembering the things kids say keep it in your phone, today that tip came in handy, thanks Claire.

Bambeano - god rested after 7 days
Mummy - Really
Bambeano - yes.........pause for 5 minutes
Bambeano - how did god make me
Mummy - while trying to concentrate driving wondering what in the world to explain to a 5 year old surely I have not reached the "birds and the bees" conversation already
Bambeano - mummy how did god make me.......
Mummy - In mummy's belly
Bambeano - how?
Mummy - from an egg (now I am seriously squirming)
Bambeano - oh do you eat it?
Mummy - thinking how in the world do I get out of this one - where is Papa when you need him?
Mummy - No all mummy's make eggs (holding my breath to the next question)
Bambeano - oh

Phew escaped that one now we have silence in the car

Bambeano What do you give babies
Mummy - so much for my escape I think, well buddy we give them food, hugs, kisses and change their diapers
Bambeano - ewwww I am not doing that

Oh we at school, thank goodness for that - here's tomorrow's car ride

1 comment:

  1. I cannot stop laughing!! I can see him, serious as can be, asking you those questions from the back seat! Those moments make me feel like I just lost my stomach on a roller coaster. Keep up the good work....you did great!
