About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

2 birthdays........

Father. please forgive me for my sins....For it has been 3 weeks since my last blog....

We have had a busy few weeks here in Bowden household but exciting ones at that....

First up Mummy's birthday, a quiet this year with Bombshell now back at College (University to my home folks) and Boo Boo having soccer practice after a long day, a take out (take away to my home folk) and some wine was on order..... the good news I did get my iPhone 4S so I am a happy bunny, thanks Bombshell.

So this year with my birthday so close to Boo Boo and the fact Charlotte Restaurant Week is on we decided to combine our birthday.

On to the next week and I was frantically watching the weather for Boo Boo's birthday.  She had chosen snow tubing as her activity with 3 of her friends.  The weather was not cooperating so 3 days before I had to look for another option, was it to be movies, roller skating, some how all not having the wow factor to make my little girl's 10th birthday special, then it came to me........our local news channel had recently reviewed a new business that opened around Christmas, Sky High Sports.  Tickets ordered on Thursday and visit scheduled for Saturday, the day before her birthday.

Busy day Saturday cake picked up, girls dropped off, car packed....but wait a minute what is that....my car, yes the ultimate mummy's minivan, had a flat tire and I don't mean just low, the damn car was sitting on the floor, oh my god, panic struck me and I lost all control.  I had 4 kids with me, Bombshell and me and another kid meeting us there.  How in the world was I going to fit 7 people in Bombshell's car.  Now we are going to be late.  Bombshell calm as always, this is why he is my rock, stated "just take my car"  of course my panic had not subsided.....my response was "what about Emma blah blah blah blah"  I am sure that is all bombshell heard.....

I think he probably just wanted to bang my head to the wall...... Calmly he said "take my car I will get your car sorted and meet you there"

Oh the penny dropped I could fit me and the 4 kids and get going, by the time they finished Bombshell would be arriving with a fixed car....off we went albeit a little late, let's just say I got to try out Bombshell's car speed capabilities....

We arrived at Sky High Sports, it was pouring with rain so you can imagine, this place was buzzing,  busy but not to the point it was unbearable.  They have done a great job of selling tickets online ahead of time, but the neat thing is you can only buy 3 days ahead.  So armed with my 12pm to 2pm slot others were arriving only to be told that the next session available was 10pm that night.

This place was amazing, trampolines on the wall as well as the basic trampolines all with pads everywhere, a dodgeball area and foam pit, the kids were unleashed changed in their shorts and t-shirts and had a BLAST!!!!!!

What a great substitute.......I am thinking snow tubing being canceled was not a bad thing :)

After a great day of fun we followed up with Chick Fil A lunch before returning home for pizza, wii Dance 3, movies and a sleep over HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY BOO BOO

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here we are in January and so it starts.....

Christmas over a new year and new determination.   As I start the new year back to being full time the household will now be planned like a military operation.  Bombshell is helping so hopefully thing s will be plan sailing, here's hoping.

First up soccer practice in full force with Boo Boo starting her games January 28.  I know, I know, we just finished the games, right.

Looking forward to the games, new camera case courtesy of Bombshell and a warm fuzzy blanket and thermos and I will be all set. 

The schedule for Boo Boo has been kind to me so far.  At first look there does not appear to be to many conflicts with Bambeano's basketball games, but ask me that again when his soccer starts up.

On top of the kids sports activities Boo Boo has joined the chorus at school, she seems very excited about it and her first song to learn and remember is true colors, you can follow her on the school blog we do not have her schedule yet but through that in the mix of the sports and you can just call us crazy.

The fun and games doesn't start there.  I have taken to the gym with a vengeance and no I am not one of those "Jan 1 I will get fit" as I actually started running/walking with the dog.  I have had a few 3.5 mile runs and walks and yesterday I was able to shave of 4 minutes of my time to achieve 3 miles in 33 minutes.  Now anyone who knows me knows I HATE long distance running so this is really a big accomplishment for me.  Not to be satisfied with that i am also joining an indoor soccer league, gosh god help me with that, interesting is not the word for it.

Well kids stirring, as I sit here early on a Sunday morning with the house to myself, toodle loo peeps until next time :)