So stuck for ideas for Christmas cards Bombshell suggested another trip to the mountains to take some pictures, I love Bombshell and his impromptu road trips, that is one of the things I love about him, I on the other hand have to plan vacations and road trips.... I think my new year resolution will be to bring back the family Sundays we tried out this year......
It was a tad cold in the mountains but no snow so a walk around Blowing Rock on a very quiet Sunday we managed to capture some great pictures...
Busy few days mailing gifts, Christmas cards and shopping, followed by a few days off to enjoy Bambeano's Christmas concert. I was able to get a a prime seat for a full house to watch the Kindergarten Christmas concert and what a joy it was....lots of fun.
Busy Christmas party followed before a week end and then some days out of the office for me, allowing me to get a lot of things done before Santa's visit.
Another impromptu road trip from Bombshell included a visit to Christmas Town USA. Bambeano had never been and Boo Boo was less than a year old when we last visited so it was a great suggestion on Christmas Eve for the kids to enjoy.