About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Soccer is off with a bang....the good, the bad and the UGLY....

Wow where does the time go....feels like yesterday I was sharing the news of new soccer seasons and here we are 3 weeks in!!!!

This ball WILL be MINE

Boo Boo is doing great with her team and has even tagged herself as the goalkeeper for the team.  She is definately getting into the stride of saving goals her team are 2-0-1 so far this season and she is really enjoying her new found position.  Here are some of her in action :)


Now she did do goalie somewhat in her rec league but not to the manner or competitiveness of what she is doing now.  Don't forget the fact she is playing in a division an age group older so many of the girls she is playing against are over a year older.

Unfortunately the latest game was just that a field of much older girls with rocket shots.  Boo Boo was still determined to work hard and managed to save a mighty power shot.  It ricocheted off her chin and feel loose on the ground.  Boo Boo didn't react so i knew something was wrong, thankfully one of her defenders cleared the ball out but Boo Boo was hurt :(

after 4 hours between urgent care and the emergency room with a suspected dislocated jaw she was given the all clear but to eat soft foods for 24 hours.  My determined daughter was a little apprehensive but thankfully got back in the game at practice on Tuesday.  Boo Boo you make me PROUD.

Well let's not leave Bambeano out.  On the soccer field we affectionately call him Lil Bombshell because he is definitely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to soccer.  His maturity on the field is well above his young 6 years old.  He dribbles the ball while looking for space and his gift to read or determine the next play is unbelievable.  Of course he is the opposite of Boo Boo in that he has a love for the net in a different way....scoring!!!!!

Winning the ball
and he is off

going for goal
and shoots

I was lucky enough to see the 1st and 3rd game and after 3 games his team is 3-0-0 with Bambeano scoring 6 goals in 3 games (2,1 and a superb hat trick on the 3rd) I can see his tally of 18 from last season may true and well be under jeopardy :)

Let's not forget Bombshell....he has 2 games under his belt this season.  The first game not so good :)  Playing the younguns with not a full squad is not a good way to start the season....heavy loss but the next game last week.......well let's just say Team Blue, not known as Hotspurs, came back with a full force with a great win.

Let's see how the season goes.... The Bowdens love their SOCCER SATURDAY

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Snow in the Summer?????

Last week end was Labor Day and so for the long week end Bombshell thought it would be a good day to go to the Mountains last Sunday and get the kids out of the house, me not so hot on the idea as I was surviving on 5 hours sleep after having a girls night of drinking and a friends house.

I got back home with plans to crawl back into bed but Bombshell had other ideas and thought it would be good to go the mountains.  You see the day before we were in the foothills (basically half way to the mountains) with Boo Boo's soccer game so I guess we caught the bug.

With no time to prepare with rustled the kids to get ready so we could get on the road.  Bambeano rushed upstairs to get dressing and while I was busy pulling out t-shirts and shorts he decided to pick out his snow pants.......Bambeano what are you doing it is summer!!!!!  Bambeano was adamant he needed his snow pants as the mountains had snow.....I told him it was still summer and it would be sunny.....a battle ensued.

Finally I convinced him that a sweater would do and we should get a move on to get on the road.

We made it to Grandfather Mountain with a chillier temperature and little rain it still did not dampen the fun we had and I actually was glad Bombshell convinced me it was a great idea for a impromptu road trip :)


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Busy few days for Bambeano

Wow where does the time go it seems like yesterday I was just adding a post and here we are today with several milestones passed in the Bowden Household.... the most important of all my baby turned 6 on August 26 which then followed by his first soccer game of the season, a birthday party at the pool and his 1st day at Kindergarten, PHEW......

I am so blessed to have my beautiful children in my life with each having their own special traits and personalities.  Of course Bambeano is a sport fanatic through and through and loves the outdoors.  For his birthday he received a big boy bike and was proud to ride the cul de sac, his Aunt & uncle and Grandma did not disappoint with their gifts of Tottenham Hotspur apparel but I think Nannie got the loudest scream for the cash included in his birthday card, they do say money talks, ha ha.  Thank you


After the excitement of his birthday it was then on to Saturday for soccer mania.  Bambeano was determined that he would score some goals for his birthday.  Let's see if he can achieve more than his 18 he got during the Spring Season.  His new team is called the tornadoes quite fitting given the week end we were experiencing the high winds from the trail of Hurricane Irene.  Well the game started and Bambeano did not disappoint.  A corner kick within the 1st minute gave his team mate her first goal of the season followed a few minutes later for Bambeano's 1st goal.....GOOOAAAAL by half time we were winning 3-0 so Bombshell (who also happens to be coach) decided to pull back the firecracker strikers and try and go easy on the other team.  Unfortunately thist did not stop Bambeano - with another goal to his tally and another team mate scoring, the twin of the girl who scored 1st, we ended up with a score line of 5-0.  Not bad for our 1st game

Saturday over and now onto Sunday and Bambeano's pool party.  The cake was phenomenal from Saturday Morning Cakes a theme fit for the pool party by Bambeano's face below I am pretty sure he was stoked by it

After the excitement of his birthday party it was a day to wind down before his first day at school and riding the school bus.

Bambeano was very excited to be at the same school as Boo Boo and as their lunches crossed over Boo Boo stated she would find him and make sure he was having a good day, what a sweet big sister :)

He had a GREAT day, loved learning did great with his behaviour and listening but more importantly he loved it...... I am so proud of you Bambeano, Happy 6th birthday, great soccer game and well done at starting school, WE LOVE YOU