Yesterday was a crazy day in the B
owden household. The rain was pouring and Papa was late at work.
I had the urge to cook and anyone who knows me knows I do not cook if I can help it. I hate cooking, funny considering I graduated college from
learning hotel & catering and business studies. Of course my choice of college
courses was not my choice or real love..... no I really wanted to join the police force and specialize in a field but my knee injury put a stop to that :(
Last night
BooBoo and
Bambeano were happy watching
Bambeano's graduation DVD from a few weeks ago while I signed off on
BooBoo's homework and read her teacher's notes. I was pleasantly surprised to find her 4
th quarter report card. Upon reading I was overwhelmed with pride to read that she is really excelling at school and listening and learning. She is well on her way to having her dream career working with animals.
Bambeano...... I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up, half expecting soccer player or fireman, but oh no he tells me he wants to help people. I asked what did he mean by that and he said
"Give shots" .
"Oh you want to be a doctor" I replied.
"Yes" he responded.
"What kind of doctor?" I asked.
"One that has a treasure box and stickers" he innocently said.
Wow my little 4 year old has already decided he wants to be a
pediatrician. Now the only question I ask is it because he wants to be a doctor or because he wants a treasure box and stickers.........