About Me

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Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wow where does the time go.......

So the week end came and went and here we are already on Tuesday......

Boo Boo and Bambeano had another great week end of soccer (otherwise known in my home land as football).

Boo Boo's Cobras ran their hearts out with 2 kids not available to play. She did great and I even had a friend on the opposite team share with me that all the other parents were commenting with each other that Boo Boo was the really good girl everyone was talking about, she was drafted as number one pick for her 7/8 age group. Proud mummy moment.

Onto Bambeano his game was another win for the Orcas 2-0. While Bambeano didn't get the goal he has his heart set on he had some awesome corner kicks and free kicks. I even had the referee approach to me during half time and comment that Bambeano may be the shortest on the team (he is only 4 on a 5/6 team after all) but has a power foot on him.

The Bowden's are now gearing up for the safe arrival of my parents (Nannie and Nannie's Grandad) who are coming to visit to take the kids to the beach on vacation while Papa and Mum enjoy a trip to San Francisco, Sonoma & Napa.

Hopefully I will be able to get another post in before we leave :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Middle of the week sort of.....

So the week seems to be zooming past right before my eyes but we are a little step closer to the week end :)

Boo Boo & Bambeano both had school pictures yesterday including Bambeano's graduation pose. Oh I am so much looking forward to the pictures. Boo Boo is still flourishing at school and past her spelling test yesterday with flying colors. She has to learn spelling every night for her homework. They have a pre-test on Wednesday and if they get it right no spelling homework for Wednesday night or Thursday and no need for the test on Friday.

Bambeano is doing great at day care in the 4 year old room. He is listening more and even read me a book on Tuesday night!!!!! OK so it was still only See Jane run but it was awesome that he was able to read it to me and the joy he had getting the words right had him grinning from ear to ear.

Here is to the week end :) :) :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another great soccer Saturday....

Yesterday was a great day for soccer, blue sky sun shining and nice 70's temperature. The day started with Papa coaching his pee wee team.

Boo Boo had her game at 6pm and Bambeaano was at 7pm. I was not sure Bambeano would make it the whole game so I made sure I had to schedule in a nap, much to Bambeano's disgust and who could blame him with the sun shining I would want to play outside.

Onto soccer, Boo Boo's game was 1st and she did great with controlling and running. The game ended 0-0. WAY TO GO BOO BOO!!!!!

Bambeano's game was next, this was going to be an interesting one, his 1st big boy game with 5-6 kids (Bambeano is 4) He may have been the shortest on the team but his determination and speed glowed through. He didn't score (he wanted to score) but his team won 1-0.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's Day

Today the kids are fully embracing St Patrick's Day today.

Would you believe Boo Boo found a 4 leaf clover yesterday at school and even showed the carefully taped evidence today. I have search for all my life, more so when I was younger and have never found one so I was pretty excited for Boo Boo aswell.

We are all dressed in green today with the exception of Papa. Bambeano was quite concerned Papa had no green on. Bambeano was quite adament that Papa would get pinched and to show his care and concern offered his new light saber to Papa to use to fight off anyone who would try and pinch him.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Soccer Bowden style

Enjoying the 1st week end of soccer for Boo Boo and Bambeano

Bambeano's attempt to put his flip flops on after practice

and finally Papa (Coach) after a hard's day coaching

Another week over......

Well that was a busy week for the Bowden household but another great week for Boo Boo and Bambeano.

Boo Boo did great on her spelling at school and enjoyed a soccer camp Friday night with the Hickory Ridge girl's team. She won a t-shirt for best controller of the ball and listening skills. WAY TO GO BOO BOO.

Bambeano had a great week at daycare and is doing great with his writing. Got the great news that Bambeano was accepted to the private TK program at Back Creek Christian Academy. Bambeano has a late birthday (4 days before the cut off) and while he is good at academics we feel it is the best choice for him. GREAT JOB BAMBEANO

Monday, March 8, 2010

Is the week end over already.......

What a great week end. The weather was great and we spent a great time outdoors this week end.

Soccer has finally begun in the Bowden household. Papa Bowden is coaching 3 teams this year, pee wee 3-5, 5-6 team (Bambeano) and 7-8 (Boo Boo). Thankfully this week end it was just a soccer clinic. Papa and the kids left for the park while I had a few errands to run including Mother's Day mail.

I still cannot get used to Mother's day in Englandbeing in March and here (USA) in May. As silly as it may sound I buy my cards in May (Gotta have the mother's day wording) and save them till the following March. Trust me with old age and 2 kids it takes me a month of Sundays to remember where the heck I have placed the cards for "safe keeping", yep so safe I cannot even remember 10 months later.

So Marley got a little adventure to the park as well to enjoy the outdoors. He did great except for the few times he spotted another dog or ball and yanked me from my chair (I was too busy gossiping with some other mothers at the time), thankfully my wrist is still fulling intact.

Mummy and Papa enjoyed a belated anniversary date night and ventured to a new local Indian restaurant that had opened up. Let's just say I have found a new favourite place to eat it was yummy yummy. Happy 10th anniversary Papa

On to Sunday, we just chilled in the cul de sac until Mummy and Papa had their turn at soccer. Great time and the kids had some great friends to play with that kept them occupied. Papa Bowden had some great goals, a hat trick in fact, including a header and penalty, WAY TO GO PAPA. Unfortunately their was a price to pay for the hat trick, Papa is now in a lot of pain after hurting his back :(

After soccer we came back and chilled outside with the neighbors. We were even able to offload some toys of Boo Boo's that she had outgrown. One of the neighbors daughters eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the stroller, baby swing, baby dolls and all the other baby items. What a great feeling to see such a young innocent face light up :)

On to another week........

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kids say darnest things......

One of the things Boo Boo and Bambeano love to do is DANCE!!!!! As you can see from the pictures above. Now you have to understand they are not into your normal kids music but hip hop with the current trend being the Black Eyed Peas......

Conversation with Boo Boo after taking pictures and posting.....

Boo Boo - Wow that is even the spelling of peas I guess they like peas.....
Mummy - Roaring with laughter but getting out "why do you say that..... "
Boo Boo - Well I guess they get their name as most of them are black or they have nice eyes or like peas, I'm just not sure.....
Mummy - laughing so hard ......
Boo Boo joining in and says Mummy you make me laugh.....

Mummy thinking...... no sweetie you make my day