About Me

My photo
Harrisburg, NC, United States
UK transplant living in the US with husband and 2 beautiful US bred children.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

One proud mummy......

Over the week end at soccer trial outs I found from a friend that Boo Boo was Shadow of Character at school for integrity voted by her peers. So today I took the opportunity to take Boo Boo to school to capture this proud moment.

Mummy and Daddy are so proud. Well done Boo Boo

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How they got their names........

Apologies for being behind the 8 ball in the story behind our children's names, soccer was a little exhausting :)
Boo Boo as you see under my profile, was a wonderful but short pregnancy, with the sex unknown, we wanted to give our 1st born a name that would be unique from any future children we may have.

Papa Bowden came up with Boo Boo Bowden there was no discussion just one day he spoke to my belly calling our unborn child, Boo Boo, and it stuck. She is now affectionately known by Papa as Chicken.

On to our 2nd child, the tradition of a B 1st name seem to stick and again Papa was the one to christen my every growing belly Bambeano, may be his love of English baked beans had over taken his mind.
So there you have it our unborn children were christened by Papa as Boo Boo Bowden and Bambeano Bowden

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't they just melt your heart......

This week has been a busy week in the Bowden household but a fun one never the less......

Boo Boo Bowden is doing great in 2nd grade and is excited to be moving after schools to join Bambeano. She is very meticulous with her work and is always looking for perfection in her academics.... it is no wonder her reward to fly to England on her own to visit family for a great 2nd grade is in her sights

Soccer is gearing up and Bambeano cannot contain his excitement. Mummy I'm gonna score lots of goals, lots and lots just watch me.....Bambeano has great determination and spirit and once he puts his mind to something he is unstoppable.

I on the other hand experienced my 1st flag football game yesterday, pulled in as a reserve for the cul de sac team that included Big Sam, John and Lauren. I must admit I was a little apprehensive about the whole thing, Brit and American Football so how does not have a ring to hit. (think rugby but no tackles I said to myself and I should be good to go) well no tackles worked but I did get slammed a few times for staying an blocking but all is good in love and war, right!!!!!! Now I have been roped into playing soccer (football to my English readers) with Chris' team we will see how that goes.

Tonight I will expose and provide pics on the family including Boo Boo and Bambeano and how they got their names.......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A New Beginning.....

I have finally decided that I cannot miss the funny and interesting things that happen in my life with my family. I am not one to write in a diary/journal as it only lasts a few days or weeks but composing through my computer is another matter.......

I pledge to note, comment and scribe all the things that have made me smile, laugh or cry.... To share with you the laughter and tears through this cyber world......

Please bear with me while I get used to this new toy I am beginning to play with